How high on the political ladder will she get? Or is she just chasing the cheddar like David Hogg?

How high on the political ladder will she get? Or is she just chasing the cheddar like David Hogg?

Attached: Greta-Thunberg-inline-copy.jpg (2000x1270, 571.35K)

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I think she will rise to the role of Ellen Page's new wife.

you can tell that she's not used to the coconuts
her left stuffed tit is almost at her neck

Death to kikes.

It’s a dude

nobody cares about that downie troll anymore

She’s rapidly assuming the form of a middle aged lorry driver

hopefully to the top. maybe autism is what the world needs. not like the way things are functioning now are working out well. might as well mix it up from the blantantly corrupt elite scum.

she is like soo 2 years ago at this point

when is Greta going to finally transition to a man?

it depends on how big her boobies will grow

She looked better when she was underage in Minecraft

>She has down syndrome
That explains a lot actually lol

she will be /ourgirl/

His mum must've been hitting the booze hard during pregnancy.

She's useless now she's legally an adult she's a rich high school drop out. She served a use (that back fired) as a child crusader and when she lied or was wrong or hyperbole rants they used "she's a kid" instead of retorting her dishonest behavior and shit.

Now she has to debate like a grown up and she's a literally retarded high drop out .

She's going to be memory holed esp with the wealth of her family. But I'll keep pointing and laughing.

wow, the adults in her life really brainwashed the fuck out of her

>Tries to unfuck the planet from the reckless and unsustainable pollution that boomers in their greed have wrought
>Mocked relentlessly by this board
It's disheartening to see how far the far right's attitudes regarding the environment have fallen in the last 80 years. You guys really are the golems.

Damn it, stole my post

She has autism, she doesn't know her ass from her elbow.

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She's had a very hard life.

doing what? Skipping school?

implementing environmental policies is a good thing, she's just a media hack however, and deserves every single bit of contempt thrown in her way

>>Tries to unfuck the planet from the reckless and unsustainable pollution that boomers in their greed have wrought
we mock her because she's NOT actually doing any of that you dumb easily manipulated tool
let me guess, I bet you believe liberals actually care about minorities too you fucking retard

>Tries to unfuck the planet from the reckless and unsustainable pollution
And how would eating bugs, living in pods, and redistributing wealth to the 3rd world have accomplished that end?

Michael E. Jones did a recap of her life some years back. Basically she only ate gnocchi and that's why she's now of midget height. She refused to eat as a kid because her mother worked and ignored her. She has hyper autism.

Still has the Chucky face. Wont go anywhere except to maybe coach volleyball in Croatia

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Riding the New York subway with niggers, for one...

Thats so disrespectful, vulgar and misogynistic. Totally uncalled for.
Its elliot page now and its a he

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She made me realize sweeds can be hideous as well.

CIA asset

Get back to me when reparations for slavery is not part of the plan to cool the planet you stupid faggot. Letting Social Justice Warriors into the group has invalidated any ideas you ever had. Get fucked.

Booze is vegan, bigot.

I still have no idea if she's caused any governments/industries to change policies. Potentially indirectly but drumming up support for environmental protections and whatnot. My understanding is that she mostly stays in Europe.

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Get used till no longer of any value, then discarded.


She also was a passenger on a sailboat once. True fact.

You're implying the west will be relevant by the time she is old enough to have any influence

Ellen Page is a girl who chopped off her gorgeous tits because she's fucking insane.

All that this constant media exposure of greta manage to do was to give me a fetish for retarded looking young girls.

Off the top of my head:
>eating bugs
Virtually any way you measure the nutritional value of bugs they deliver more for less environmental impact that any other food
>living in pods
Affordable high quality housing is one of the critical issues facing the world today. As population increases this will become worse. Pods are space efficient, environmentally friendly, affordable, and scalable and can go a long way toward solving the Global Housing Crisis.
>redistribute wealth
There are parts of the world that simply cannot afford to make the transition to an environmentally acceptable way of living. It is in all our bests interest to fund that, since their continuing to live in an environmentally hard manner affects the entire global ecosystem.

Maybe she can grow a mustache.

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