Like serously, who cares about this? Or about Ukraine and hohols in general?

Attached: 000FOO2UJAT8PWHM-C129-F4.jpg (695x463, 54.57K)

They could genocide all 40 million hohols and I wouldn't bat an eye

everyone, except ruskie commie vpn niggers lke you.

pies jebał twoją mać kacapski cwelu kurwa

you forgot to change VPN/IP/ID, communist mongrel

Jestem Polakiem pierdolony banderowcu. Niedługo będziesz obciągał Banderze chuja w piekle.

jesteś co najwyżej cwelem, ruski pedale.

Cwelem był twój Bandera. Wyruchały go mongoły w więzieniu i spłodził naród ukraiński.

Wanton and indiscriminate murder of civilians is the worst kind of war crime. This is why Nazi Russia will be remembered forever as the Worst Nazis.

>Be vatniks
>Call out americans on every little thing they do wrong
>Russians bomb Ukraine civies
>Lol they deserve it

Ukraine just needs to put Zelensky and his cabal of crooks in a dumpster and wheel their asses to the Russian border. Stop killing your own nation to protect a bunch of Israeli thieves.

>Cwelem był twój Bandera. Wyruchały go mongoły w więzieniu i spłodził naród ukraiński.
a chuj mnie to obchodzi.
jebać putina - i każdego ruskiego cwela.
zapomniałeś jak kurwy rosyjskie gwałciły "naszych" (polskich) przodków?

No one actually cares about Ukraine in the West, it’s LARPers from the top down.

all ukraine news is for 40 year old american white women and men of the same t level

Apparently you since you made a thread about it

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with them? Unless…they might’ve already tried that but Kikesky is either under way too much heavy guard or isn’t even in the country


Shut the fuck up thirdworlder, we in the first world arent obsessed with race&trannies like you fucked and care about other things going on in this world.

>Anyone who doesn't mindlessly consume the mainstream media narrative is a Russian bot

Go back to R*ddit.

>it is a target from everyday life
>it has an emotional value
>the average citizen feels affected
>classic propaganda

Attached: 1654369547430.jpg (900x900, 74.65K)

>Anyone who doesn't mindlessly consume OPPOSITE OF the mainstream media narrative is an NPC
ok NPC

>>Lol they deserve it


Yeah man kremlin controlled news is such much more factual!

Would trust Kremlin news over USrael ones any day

Attached: 82D07C39-12F2-4D60-9E23-0F4D2BFF81F1.gif (498x448, 1.99M)

You know just cause someone lies a little bit less doesnt mean its smart to listen to them.

Wtf your right.

I'm about to start praising saint George Floyd and book a vaccine appointment. After this I'll sign up to go to my local gay pride parade because my government and (((media))) tells me it's a good thing. After that maybe I'll go to an pro abortion protest because my media says abortion is a human right and men can get pregnant too btw, so we have to call them people of uteruses not women. it's all so progressive, I love Justin Trudeau and Ukraine!

Every time the Ukes have whined about Russians targeting civilians it's either been A. they did it themselves B. they were using the civilians as cover or C. they intercepted guided munitions causing it to fall short of its intended target
I'm sure it's different this time, though

>I'm about to start praising saint George Floyd and book a vaccine appointment.
that is why you are an NPC.
you are mirror image of the leftoid-NPC that you make fun of.

you mindlessly consume what ever media tells you.
if they would tell you that hydration is good in CNN, you would try to kill yourself by not drinking water, that's how edgy you are.

niuanse and actual thought is outside of your grasp.