Why do people want to ban contraception?

Ban abortion if you want, but banning contraception seems braindead. Abstinence education has never worked and never will.

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Sex is only for making babies

They're vaxxed anyway, no one needs contraception

Envy, pure envy. Incels see Chad getting sex every day and in order to stop that, incels want to ban condemns. Incels only get sex when they are rich, and the woman uses the baby as leverage in a relationship.

Ready and easy access to cheap birth control is when shit went off the rails. It allowed women to shirk their biology but not with any cost. That's when they started going to school, entering the workforce, and waiting to have families. Get rid of birth control - the system resets.

They don't.
Next thread.

Speak for yourself, memeflaggot.

Having sex for pleasure is no different than eating for pleasure and both irreversibly damage societies. How could you witness a nation of fat fucks shitting out babies one after the other with intensive medical help because they are too fat to give birth without fucking dying and believe that nation has a future?

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Sounds like a good way of pressuring shitlibs out of red states.

Because birth control causes maladaptive behaviors. For thousands of years, humans got married and had families. Not reproducing and just importing Juan and mbambwe does not work. Marriage is the goal and birth control directly prevents that through its psychological effects on pair bonds.

This is will give you scum bags a real chance to learn your life lessons and hopefully change the course of your degenerating country in a few generations.

Because what you're calling "contraception" (estrogen regulation) isn't contraception. It's after-conception forced miscarriage.
To those who believe human life begins at fertilization, it's just another murder that looks cleaner and easier than abortion.

Mmm hydrocodone yummy

>but banning contraception seems braindead. Abstinence education has never worked and never will.

Teach abstinence to the girls. Teach responsibility to the boys. Contraception is fine, but shouldn't be pushed nor advertised.

I dont wanna pay for others fucking

>Having sex for pleasure is no different than eating for pleasure

They are different but I know what you mean. The problem with sex as recreation is illegitimate children are a burden on society.

It's not about "banning" it. It's just not something the court should decide, so they'll overturn it and it goes back to the states like abortion. Big deal

I hate u libs. The fact u use
‘Shitting out babies’ tells me all about your souless life. Die asap pls.

force women to stop sleeping around
force women out of the workplace

women are nothing but machines for producing children.

Good eye, came here to post the same

This is the reason you get enslavement in the family courts. Nobody wants to fund other people's fornication or illegitimate children; but poor Americans that sometimes fornicate are STILL AMERICANS.

That's why single family homes and children in poverty should be a welfare program, not child support enslavement which just enriches judges and lawyers.

I hate kids so why are you forcing me to turn the kid over in its sleep so it suffocates?

>It's after-conception forced miscarriage.

If it's taken before sexual relations it's a contraceptive. Keep it simple.

Other have already given good answers on the social consequences of contraception. But there's also a physiological element: chemical birth control fucks up a women's body, big time. Massive increase in cancer risk, changes in brain function, etc.

>Ready and easy access to cheap birth control is when shit went off the rails.

Enjoying that estrogen in your water I see.

It totally fucks up the natural hormonal balance for women so they are less likely to pair bond. Happened to my girlfriend she went on a contraceptive device and it slowly killed her sex drive.

>chemical birth control fucks up a women's body, big time.

Stop pretending to understand womens bodies. This is how you get justified infanticide aka "abortion."


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>natural hormonal balance for women so they are less likely to pair bond.
Hormones play little role in female pair bonding. Female pair bonding is a cultural phenomenon

Banning thots is right and good

>it slowly killed her sex drive.

The female sex drive is a myth. The female desires sex when she is told to desire sex.