I deleted all my porn

I couldn't take having all this porn on my computer anymore.
I started feeling guilty and lacked the motivation to do anything, it would feel good for a little bit and then I would be depressed and miserable for the rest of the day.
And it started bringing me bad luck and nothing good was happening to me I finally escaped it's grasp and deleted it all so I can start improving my life.

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Good job bro. May God help you on your journey.

Just deleting porn will do nothing for you, you must develop another interest to fill your mind. It's not that you should think about not fapping, it's that you shouldn't think about fapping to begin with

good decision

Came into contact with porn when I was 7 (not by choice, I should mention). Have been watching it regulary since. Addiction took hold of me, but I never saved a single image or video that was even slightly erotic. At about the age of 26, however, I started a "collection" but was so disgusted by myself that I deleted everything a week after it. It was a great relieve. But after 1-2 years I started saving that shit again.

It's difficult to rewire the brain after multiple decades of porn consumtion and I mainly blame porn producers and the government for broadcasting that shit all over the place, be it in movies, magazines, ads and whatnot.

Access to porn is so much easier than getting education. These people need to get shot for poisoining kids minds from their early ages on.

Death to each one of (((them))).

Nicely done ditching the porn jew

Good for you. It’s poison.

Good luck on your journey. It' very important to occupy your time with something productive instead or just going out for walks. Don't let the tiny reptile brain take over and force self-destructive actions upon yourself such as watching porn and masturbating excessively.

Best wishes.

Good move brother. Keep making right choices

Usually it's age that reminds us of our mortality.
That slow decay of the body.
With death comes wisdom.
Withhold from expelling your essence at all costs.

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>These people need to get shot for poisoining kids minds from their early ages on.


I wish the US Supreme Court would revisit the decisions that granted First Amendment protection to pornography -- those were terrible, misguided rulings.

Porn is free because you pay with your soul.


Btw we need more anti porn threads but jannies keep deleting them and banning OP

Bravo and good luck user

God Bless you user, sexual immorality is one of those things that corrupts you inside and out and leads to much more sin

This reads to me as fatfags being upset they put food in their home cabinets/pantry. Why do you feel so ashamed for stroking your dicks to free pictures/drawings of naked women?

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Porn DOES NOT make weak men. WOMEN MAKE WEAK MEN; Men LUSTING after women makes weak men. When men's preoccupations in life are all about women and getting laid, they become weak. Porn is merely a preoccupation of simps, manginas and manlets lusting over women they cannot and will never have access to.

Stop being pussy-begging lapdogs!

I hope you make it

I've been through this several times and always come back to the coom. May you fare better than me user

Good on ya burgerbro - reckon i'll follow your example. Good to hear of more blokes turning against porn, it was a trap all along.

You vill replenish ze porn foldier