The perfect division of Europe that nobody can question

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Nope. Nope nope no nada niet budui.

Western Europe fucked up and must be eliminated.

Finland are east

Binland is North not east

Attached: ukkeli.png (545x600, 261.69K)

Finland is rightful successor for the HRE, we are THE west.

>Romanians part of Eastoids
>Bulgarians and Serbs are not

It's Wednesday M'doids

>Wessex cut off

Instant conflict guarenteed

>Westoids in the north
>4 million Irish get their own little country
>The Czechs are lumped in with EAstoids


Well Czechs and Slovenes still don't resemble Westoids when it comes to social attitudes, but maybe Czech Republic should be divided into Bohemia and Moravia.

The Irish by their nature are a subservient people, a natural slave race. They were under the boot of the Anglos for 1000 years, and that is where they belong. Look at where they are now: despite being nominally independent, they can't get enough of everything that comes out of London, and they obsess over England in ways both healthy and unhealthy. The Irishman naturally longs for the Englishman's boot.

Therefore, Britain should just have all of Ireland.

Attached: 5n24XhJr.jpg (380x380, 21.48K)

I'd prefer to just be a NORDOID thank you


Much truth to this. The 1000 year of subservience was an accidental eugenics program: the most freedom spirited were culled each generation.

What happened when Ireland got independent? They panicked and sold their independence to European Union. Slaves do not want freedom.

England has more Irish people in it than Ireland does, they are like rabbits and spread their genes across the world hundreds of years ago

This explains a lot about america and their heavy irish blood admixture.


Where are the Americans on this chart?

Evacuate the British Isles completely of westoids. The Celtoids have suffered enough. Maybe let the westoids keep London, if they can de-nig it

What do northern European Estonia have in common with southern european Romania? Shit map

Also Finland and France?