Neder Any Forumsder general: the CIVIL WAR of the Netherlands

>Everything is shit, but don’t be demoralised, use your anger to win:
- Farmers protesting, blocking high ways, visiting the minister of shit again at her home
- Dude used violence to get into a politicians house, was stopped by security
- Farmers and fishers that wanted to close off a bridge rammed and arrested by the police
- Farmers protest in multiple places in the Netherlands, supported by many people in the country.
- Segers of the CU party warns for a civil war if this continues
- Head of NPO ''needs protection'' after ''being threatened''
- Room temperature IQ minister of social affairs wants to import 'workers' from French banlieues
- D66+VVD homofags trying to rob farmers of their lands with their extremely retarded climate plans/nitrogen.
- Farmers show up at the doorstep of dumbass nature and nitrogen minister with tractors
- Idiot minister of housing wants us all to stop using gas to warm our houses and wants us to use electricity instead.
- Retard minister wants to ban 3D printed firearms, while it is easier to get AK’s due too open borders

>Required reading/watching (the following videos and articles are in Dutch)
- Ministry of Justice and Security refuses to investigate reports of rape by (underaged) individuals inflicted by the Dutch elite
- The city of Apeldoorn to turn into a "smart city" by the WEF, mysterious white boxes are attached to every streetlight

>WEF documents here

- We are getting shilled on a regular basis by glowies, AIVD is aware we exist but seethes they can't do anything about it

>Previous threads:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can anyone explain the farmer protest to me?
I saw the news yesterday and they just said. Farmer bad, police gave them fines. Heres a 5 minute story on harry potter.

Basically they are trying to disown farmers of their lands, using nitrogen as excuse. It is to build more houses on those lands

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> be government
> need to house imported niggers
> no room
> no room? No problem!
> Just oust farmers instead and build new blocks there
> But how?
> Well... it's because of climate change, farmer man bad!
> Farmer bad for objecting

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How long for this?

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nog 20 minuten om te stemmen liefe jongetjes
en wel op ja drukken he anders word meneer rutte verdrietig

Remember, always wave/honk/thumbs up the tractors if you see them. The farmers need to know they have the support of the people


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Gedaan, hup boeren!

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Kek die paneel linksonder

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We moeten nu zo snel mogenlijk een parallel betaal systeem implementeren, voordat de rekeningen van de boeren worden bevroren, kijk dit dan laatst van (((Coinbase))) de timing is te goed om zomaar toevalligheid te zijn

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Ik heb de monero gui op mijn pc geibstalleerd en de blockchain gedownload. Ik kan monero adressen genereren en monero krijgen en betalen tegen 0,001 cent transactiekosten. Ik doneer al regelmatig op deze manier. Ik ben je dus al voor.

Top, ja inderdaad niet je sleutels niet je munten nu zien die boeren ook te overtuigen. Het is of met crypto, of met zilver of contant euro

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hi bikies how is your morning today

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ITT we laugh at dumb police officers who do understand how a hay bale works