Fuck israel

New thread because idiots.
Lets denounce israel together.
I denounce israel as an enemy of humanity
And against God. I disavow any connection to it and the jewish religion.
Lets see how many kikes we get.
You must denounce and disavow israel and the jewish religion as enemies of humanity and God to post ITT.

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Man I love Israel. Jews are fantastic people that have given so much to the world despite dealing with horrible oppression. We have so much to learn from the Jewish people

Bot post? Good bot then.

>gives you a brain tumor
Nothing personnel goy.

Attached: 5jew.jpg (2048x1536, 747.08K)

5G technology is a progression in technology so of course Israel would invest in such a project because of the large amount of successful and educated people in its population.

>5G technology is a progression in military technology

Attached: SuddenActiveDenialSyndromeSADS.png (1109x1000, 1.53M)

Attached: 5Gmilitaryradarcapability.png (1914x1080, 1.61M)

Military technology is what lead us to the internet

Military technology should be only used in the fucking military. Even 6GHz 4G was within radar spec by 3+ more GHz.

isreal fucking sucks

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If the military develops a technology that would be beneficial for the world at large why not release it to the general population?

It's not beneficial to the world you stupid fucking jew it's a microwave weapon.

Attached: 1mwm2consideredHIGH.png (1897x851, 1.35M)

What's wrong with microwaves?

Would you stick your head in a microwave oven you gaslighting kike? Being in a kitchen with a microwave oven on all day is safer than going to a 5G enabled beach.

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Who the fuck cares about fucking Israel?

I wouldn't stick my head in a lot of things that doesn't make them bad lol

You should stick your head in a fire oven.


you should stick your head into a book fren

at a meeting organized by a military hardware company i attended to, they said that they working with frequencies far above 5ghz atm, while explicitely telling us they couldn't tell what range in particular they were working in, so as i much as i hate to say it,

are right

I have researched 5G for 6+ fucking months and even own an EMF detector.

Attached: RF2.png (918x642, 181.1K)

>they couldn't tell what range in particular they were working in
Millimeter waves, used in crowd control weapons and early warning systems, that's why fren.

He probably would, see the problem is alot of jews are just slightly more intelligent than the average normie white american. Which still makes them much dimmer than the average /poltard.

Fwag staaf

For those that don't know
Israel is an actual ethno nationalist country for jews.
Ethno nationalist country means a certain ethnicity gets certain privilages under the law.
If you search for "israel nation state law" you will see the privileges only jewish people can get.

Israel also recognises you as a jew if you show you're ethnically jewish 3 generations back on your mother's side.
And now the Supreme Court recognized that you can use DNA to prove your ethnicity.

Yeah lol they're really not slick, revealing their plans to the world and all.

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i can't wait for that fucker to erupt

OP is sure that denounce israel will make his pp larger.

How many countries have they been booted from?

Too many