Americans are too retarded to answer this

>Americans are too retarded to answer this

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The answer is clearly 36. Common core has failed Americans.


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he's right though just thought i'd shitpost ;p

answer is 9


The answer is whatever I want it to be, I make the money man, I roll the nickels. The game is mine, I deal the cards

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The answer is 1. The 2 belongs to the parenthesis and has to be expanded. 6 / (2 + 4) = 1. Anyone who arrives to a different conclusion did not take a standard higher level math course in university or even high school such as calculus.

6 divided by 2 equals 3
1 plus 2 equals 3
3 multiplied by 3 equals 9

the answer is 5

God I hate Canadians. You people are such twats.

Just recalled a time in middle school where we had to read something and answer a short quiz when a nigger suddenly burst out MANE THIS SHIT PISSING ME OFF and stormed out

It's 9 you retarded leaf




Am I an American Idiot?

Follow PEMDAS.
So, 1.

You should of answered the the equation, now you look stupid.


It's 9

It is 9. The parenthesis do not modify the priority of what is outside.

It's wrong

Its 1, gotta foil

All those 1 anwsers are just people pretanding to be dumb, right? RIGHT?!

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>6/2(1+2), P
>M and D are interchangeable
>3(3), M

you just did pedmas

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There is no answer, that is a nonsense symbol in-between the 6 and 2. Brainlets will think it is a division symbol, but they are wrong.

6 / 2 * (1 + 2)
6 / 2 * 3
3 * 3

that's PEMDAS

it’s an expression not an equation

No, you give these people to much credit.

⁒ and / are different



I seen footage I stay noided

>Brainlets will think it is a division symbol, but they are wrong.
this is division symbol


is division champ


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I don’t know but the odds you get all numerals in your captcha is 1/600

Put it in word problem format

No it isn't. Cope and seethe mathlett

Pardon me, I should of ask the expression it's pronouns, because this shit was easy.

Division and multiplication are evaluated left to right in this notation.
While PEMDAS is a nice moniker, it fails to properly explain that multiplcation and division are evaluated left to right in equal priority, same with addition and subtraction.
But given the state of STEM all over the world, it's just best to avoid it altogether and use display.
Which is why it is best avoided.

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Then why are you resolving division before multiplication?

Nigger, fuck off.

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I got 1 I did the pemdas

1 nigger, 1

Yes, why are you doing 2x3 before 6÷2?

It’s 1. PEMDAS you nigger


6/2 = 3

So 9

Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally; the answer is one.

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Op to retarded to write an equation with proper notation.

>No it isn't. Cope and seethe mathlett
ya it is champ

mult AND divison (they are the same thing)
addition AND subtraction (again, same thing)


thanks actually i was trying to remember and was going to have to leave this website for a second.

You both aren't smart, the leaf just proved it.

Parenthesis are the first order of operation
it's not technically 2x3 it's 2(3)

because in PEMDAS, MD and AS are determined by which comes first, so 6/2x3 would be 9, not 1. And 3-2+1 would be 2, not 0. Of course, if you passed 6th grade math you should know this

Brackets then division and multiplication have same precedence, so just calculate from left to right. Fuck anyone who thinks differently.

I just used please excuse my dear aunt sally from 7th grade pre algebra and got 1


You're retarded lmao


No it isn't

This is THE standard. It is not recognized as a math symbol.

division and multiplication are the same magnitude. When operations are in the same magnitude it is standard to do the problem from left to right.

congratulations, you’ve attracted the flock of Americans to test their intelligence.

the answer is 42

>Uses that division sign to express his equation making it unclear
Do maple niggers really?

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i was the first person to say the correct answer, 9
so i win, faggot
now bend over, spread your cheeks, and bite the pillow


>Op is too retarded to know it's ambigious.

There is no one true answer, it's fucking ambigious.
>t Master in CS and on my way to a bachelor in Math.

Now fuck off

Yes, I can solve this.

Pemdas suggests

Some will argue that Multiplication equations take precedent so some will argue

It's basically the mathematical equivalent of arguing for or against oxford commas.

>No it isn't
it literally is nigger. i learned in like 4th grade


>The division sign (÷) is a symbol consisting of a short horizontal line with a dot above and another dot below, used in Anglophone countries to indicate mathematical division. However, this usage, though widespread in some countries, is not universal; it is used for other purposes in other countries and its use to denote division is not recommended in the ISO 80000-2 standard for mathematical notation.[1]

that's what it MEANS it's just not universal. that's what it means in the OP image, faggot

now tongue my anus

Answer is 9

If you don't believe me type it into a calculator

÷ was made for simple division, any expression beyond x÷y needs what you posted to be actually clear and percise

because 2(3) is not really multiplication. It is a determined number already. they are attached, and need to be completed first. Different if 6 / 2 x 3. That's the whole point of these stupid jewbook posts, to see if you know this or not.

No, just PEMDAS

Spelt out it's:

Parenthesis and Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction.


6/2(1+2) Parenthesis (no exponent present)

Equation becomes 6/2*3

Now Multiplication AND Division (mind you it's NOT Multiplication AND THEN Division) so we solve moving left to right.

Equation is now 3*3

Answer is 9.

A TI-86 and Wolfram will both solve to 9.

It is not ambiguous. You may think means division, but that symbol does not mean division. Here is the international standard on math.

It's a poorly written equation.

>all the midwits wasting their time showing their work on a bait thread posted for the 19838298293th time.
This is why OP keeps making them.

define “your” order of operations

you havent passed 6th grade math, i would tell you to get a scientific calculator and put both those equations in, but you're such a mouthbreather i doubt you have one. So just type it into google and guess what you get
Hint: it isnt 1 and 0


No technically 2(3) IS 2x3, that's exactly what it means. And parenthesis means you do what's INSIDE of them first, not outside.


this has nothing to do with americans. if you don't solve this problem in the following way then you are retarded and a pedophile:
1. addition in parens
2. parens multiplication
3. division
the answer is 1. there is literally no other answer. any other answer literally makes you a pedophile who needs to be babi yar'd

1 because I’m not a mutt and remember order of operations.

It's 9 but fuck anyone who uses ÷

Someone make the heirarchy of operations on this, like a tree diagram. Thats the answer. My computer is bugging out so i cant atm



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do you ever get tired of spamming this dogshit?

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fuck it i'm leaving this gay thread
the answer was 9
i had it first
no other answer is correct
also yes that symbol is gay but it's taught in middle school and it's valid but you're a turd if you use it

You're actually retarded lol

Parenthesis only apply to whats inside them, and MD is read left to right, so it would be division than multiplication

It's obviously 900 ugh!!!
Stop trolling


2(3) is as much multiplication as 2*3.
>It is a determined number already
So is the entire thing. There's no variables.

a thread died for this...
The answer is 9. anyone that has answered anything else is a retard.

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Leafgroid, this isn’t even pre algebra. You should be learning this shit in third or fourth grade.

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LMFAO The answer is 1, you fucking mongoloid chink loving shitskin faggot.

The problem is the improper use the obelus symbol instead of placing terms in a more understandable numerator / denominator format. If you are really going with an obelus, then you have to make better use of parentheses to avoid confusion.

6 / (2(1+2)) =
6 / (2(3)) =
6 / 6 = 1

Actually retarded, by putting the whole right side in the denominator you are actually solving 6÷(2(2+1))

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obviously, 9

its a purposely ambiguous equation, written as it is the answer is 9, but it should be written either (6/2)(1+2) or 6/(2(1+2))

>It's basically the mathematical equivalent of arguing for or against oxford commas.
>oxford comma.
That's a perfect example. I've been trying to think of other massively pointless yet incredibly heated flamewars for a while.

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nope you're a retarded pedophile, see:

No, you're not an idiot. You can literally plug it into a Texas Instrument Calculator or even Jewgoole and see the answer is 1.
Only Non-Whites and Leftists would get a different answer.


>Bros did we get too cocky???

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Why do you have to make them all jewish?

i recently learned in editing something that the oxford comma actually has a use and is valid.

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It's 9, it's always 9, at least change the fucking numbers and give these threads some variety, ffs.

no you're just retarded and failed hs it's 6. Very american brain blame the problem for being too complicated for you

>The symbol ÷ should not be used
I agree entirely with the standard.

Sry I meant 1 lmao I am retard too apparently in my haste

>midwit entrapment slide thread working as intended
Any Forumstards just can't help themselves

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>who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
>I’ve seen those English dramas too
>they’re cruel

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Please excuse my dear aunt sally
Please excuse Darren my autistic stepson

I always wonder how many trolls or bots are in these gay threads. If there are really some genuine people, who are pondering how to work with division, the "÷" operator and think the answer should be 1, then have this advice.

Division is just multiplication by the inverse. So change the notation to resemble that. It's way easier to understand that way.

From this:
6 ÷ 2 * (1+2)

To this:
6 * 0,5 * (1+2)

instructions unclear, dick stuck in toaster

niggas, the answer is 9

nah nigga you're retarded its obviously -8

>midwits argue about notation as if its mathematical logic again
We've had this thread about 10000000x now you morons. Stop engaging with jewish slide tactics.

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It serves a point to differentiate items that can be either adjectives or objects, especially when the collection is only vaguely related.
Can't really think of any examples right now though.
Does anyone have the mod that got summoned to a /sci/ thread for an improper use of l'hopital's rule?