Explain this

I don't really support abortion, but why don't most "pro-lifers" also focus on universal health care, child poverty, or gun regulation (children are dying in schools as well)?

Also why don't pro-lifers hold men accountable as well? It takes two to tango; they both bare responsibility.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?&q=pregnancy resource center
google.com/search?&q=Jane's revenge arson

Shit bait thread.
This is a cute gay men thread now.

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>Being on her own.
>Not receiving special treatment from society, governments, employers, media, judges...

I've never had a webm make me want to punch a hole in my monitor before, until now. Jfc, i hate faggots, i would gladly beat the life out of those faggots with my hands.

Come out of the closet.

Attached: kiss.webm (640x800, 2.95M)

Why must I be responsible for a woman's choices?

Only thing right panel is saying is BE RESPONSIBLE

Also, all those things are what a husband is for lol

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>justifying killing a human baby before it has even a chance to fight back
Fuck the left.

Ain't no closet, faggot. One of my siblings is gay, and I've excommunicated them. Fucking disgusting queer faggots. You all deserve death

Not supporting another person's child and not allowing another person to kill their child are not contradictory positions.

Dems have been saying that Trump's covid paychecks caused the current rampant inflation (well it's one of the reasons at least they've giving in their desire to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks). But somehow giving everyone constant income like that and putting tons of money into other stuff is going to be fine? Seems pretty similar to how they want everyone to drive electric cars while some states can't even keep the power on as it is.

I see no issue with the people saying it's a life
I don't get a house and expect my kids to pay for one
Betting the right make their kids pay rent

you're just chimping out because you secretly wanna bounce on your dad's dick

Its easy to explain because its a lie. Remember all those conservative pregnancy centers getting firebombed? They sorta help out after birth. Also church and community. Commies hate anything that isn't The State doing things.

single issue voters are a thing

How about abolishing government run mindgulags altogether? If u could have kids they'd be raised by me and their mother not the school system.

Only retarded Americans think the American healthcare model is good and worth keeping.
Meanwhile the majority of heterosexuals think it's ok to murder their offspring in order to keep sleeping around. Shut the fuck up.

binary brain faggot, it must be either kill all babies or sugar daddy them and pay for them cradle to grave huh faggot?

no queer bitch you don't believe that you just hope we will. kill your faggot self retard.

both men and women should be held responsible

if they both consent to sex and no danger is involved, then abortion should be out of the question, but at the same time, the man should be involved in some way, either by staying with the woman or paying full child support. If he fails to do so, she has the right to sue him.


Just fuck your brother and be done, fuck your dad too. My dad and my brother are gay too and I don't need to go full attention whore "NOO I CAN BE THE ONLY GAY IN THIS HOUSE".

Attached: daddy.webm (540x960, 3M)

you are responsible if you make all other options illegal.

The banning of abortion punishes an individual for their own actions, rape notwithstanding. The pushing of an expansion of social safety nets punishes everyone else for that same individual's actions.

Shit bait. You must be underage.

>why don't american right wingers support any social services?
literally, unironically, because niggers.
And I can't blame them.

>until i get everything for free i will continue to kill my children
interesting perspective. herbs

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why don't you guys support abortions? I don't get it, you protestants are degenerates, mostly atheists
and in america casual sex is like a handshake... why's an abortion a big deal?

>the state is responsible for for paying my bills if they make it illegal for me to kill someone else to take their money to pay my bills
I don't think that logic plays out very well.

either way Whites will continue to pay.

>Explain this
It's leftist propaganda in the same way that "Ectopic Pregnancy will be illegal".
In other words, it's bullshit spread to frighten you into voting Democrat.

Attached: ProAbortionArson.jpg (1908x1146, 283.78K)

And for some reason, Any Forums really really did not want me to post the website sources showing that it was bullshit.

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 3.49.26 PM.png (1298x628, 166.34K)

It really really does not want me posting in this thread.
archive.ph slash fXevO

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because its your responsibility to take care of your child not mine and most prolifers are for the man also being responsible, simple as

google.com/search?&q=pregnancy resource center

google.com/search?&q=Jane's revenge arson





I guess we should just genocide the homeless then.

One can not want to murder a baby while also not wanting to support it.

Christians donate more than any other group to charities
it's a strawman

I’m all for paid maternity and paternity leave, huge tax rebates for married couples and every child they have, anything and everything we can do to empower and encourage the nuclear family is something we absolutely should do
But fuck single mothers (aka whores). Carry the kid to term, put him up for adoption if you need to find yourself on the cock carousel some more. But you don’t deserve tax benefits

Stramanning at its finest.
First of all most pro-life people are also pro-health care and pro-something that no leftist, statist or pro-choicer is for. VOLUNTARY CHARITY. I'm no christian but while the State kicked me in the balls when I needed help the most I went to a church and they gave me a job, food and a place to stay until I was back on my feet. Still, good people are so few they can't take care of every single kid or adult in the world but I can testify that they try.

What that comic tries to portray is the caricature they need to be real to sleep at night.