How to Christcucks cope with the fact that the Bible PERMITS abortion?

>Exodus 21:22
>If men who are fighting strike a pregnant woman and her child is born prematurely, but there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband demands and as the court allows.

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Did you even read that before posting? It says if you cause a baby to be born prematurely you should be fined.

>born prematurely
HRT must lower I.Q. or something.

Killing a human being at any age or development is morally wrong.

What part of the bible permits us to be promiscuous wretches that can kill our children for pleasure?

i am orthodox and i do not give a fuck about laws of men i just do what ever the fuck i feel like and pray for the best

christ cucks cut off foreskin unironically. they have no brain

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They believe all this spiritual shit but if you say something like maybe the spirit enters the body after the child is born then they think you're crazy but the spirit entering the zygote the moment the sperm and egg combine is totally fine and that's how it works. You can't win an argument against irrational people

Born prematurely is code word for still born.

Now tell me about what the Talmud says about it kike

Imagine not realizing old testament is there to depict how jews became jews so in the new testament you van watch Jesus poo on the behaviors of old testament jews.

You got that from that cunt on TikTok.

When is it a human though ?

The moment it has human DNA, idiot.

You tried.

Christcucks are idiots and hypocrites.

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So a cell that falls off your arm if you scratch it is a human

It’s not, and we know it’s not because even in the most christcucked states, they have exceptions for the health of the mother. When it comes down to it they’ll save the mother OVER a baby.
Because it’s not about being human it’s about sentience and suffering.

You LOST beatoff. Deal with it.

Here you go
>Talmud, Niddah 30b. 11. Ending a viable life after 30 days since birth is considered "certain murder.". After 6 months of pregnancy, when the fetus may be viable, it is considered "possible murder," and it is permitted to abort only when the mother's life is endangered, as the fetus is classified as a rodef.

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And because of abortion, the greatest musician AND fastest runner of all time, was not born.

As an atheist, I know that abortion is morally wrong. You whores need to touch grass rather than touching a dirty mattress with your back.

Neither was the worst pedophile serial killer. Not a good argument

Squid man is cool.

Who's coping? Your side lost.

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That's more of an opinion than some set of accepted morals especially if you're an atheist

How does self preservation mean that a human doesnt begin at conception? Youre mixing two different things to make up lies you evil piece of shit.

>born prematurely, but there is no further injury.
every single word was important to the ancients. every single one.

Murder is a capital offense & causing a stillbirth results only in a fine not death, ergo abortion is not murder according to Jewish law

FALSE. Inside the womb, it is still a human being. If a pregnant woman is murdered, a charge of double homicide is the result. That is because two HUMAN BEINGS were killed, you semi-literate troglodytes.

I am so happy that you are seething mad!!!

Also, spare me the christ/bible bs. It does not work on me. I am an atheist.

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Morals are up to the individual, you ignorant piece of kike shit.

>a book I don’t believe in
>only Christians can oppose abortion
Okay, but how does this affect the price of tea in China?

I think the correct term is "person", not "human". God the Father isn't human, but He is a person. Jesus, the Son, is both a human and a person. The Holy Spirit is not human, but is also a person. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all God, one entity, but also three persons.

We are each only one person. Is a pregnant woman's fetus human? Absolutely. Is it a person? It depends on how we define the term person. In western culture, we have historically used the capacity for reason as the definition. But we have mentally handicapped people, and we consider them persons. We have babies, and we consider them persons. So is the capacity for reason actually what we're using? Perhaps it is merely the potential to reason that we use. In which case, would a fetus perhaps be its own person by this definition? Probably so, yes.

And thus the split, even among Christians, as to what defines a "person" that is granted a right to life by God.

Personally, I think that, where it lies within our ability, we should promote life. We have the capability to take care of the fetuses that are aborted by the mother's election. If a doctor decides that we don't, or that we would need to sacrifice the life of the mother to do so, then it is, unfortunately, wiser for us to abort the pregnancy. This is, I think, the eventual way US law will coalesce around the decision.

That's accidental you faggot pagan , women are dumb enough to jump into a fight between men an d sometimes they can get hurt BY ACCIDENT !

>No further injury to the mother.

Only in your country

No it isn't

Would you want that thing for your kid?
ok then

>every single word was important to the ancients. every single one.
99.999% of them couldn't read

>that the Bible PERMITS abortion
it doesn't though
you're talking about knowingly sacrificing your spawn because you want to
why are you so evil?

You lost

>premature babies could survive back then

Exactly you down syndrome retard. Individual morals are an opinion. Actual morals are like don't steal, it's not an opinion it's generally accepted

I have three sons that I love very much. My wife and I know that human life is precious, and we are SO HAPPY that roe v wade is in the trash.

I don't give a fuck about your worthless opinions. I am right and you are wrong. Roe v wade is in the garbage where it belongs and YOU ARE SEETHING MAD ABOUT IT!!! LMAO!!!!!

So the biblically correct method of abortion would be to jump into an MMA match unexpectedly?