>Minority women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent approximately 36% of the abortions

>According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion

>On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted every day in the United States

>This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated "Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member."

>A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions

>"Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black."

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I'll go thank my local planned parenthood for taking out future criminals.

>Red states ban abortions and limit social programs
>Blue states expand abortion and social programs
>Blacks flood blue states for gibs

Plus, I think the vax is going to make a lot of them infertile anyways.

he thinks blacks can afford the more expensive blue states. why havent blacks moved enmasse from the South to the Northeastern or Western USA yet in all these years?

It is because they cant afford it even with all the gibs, so they stay in the South.

Attached: black.population_map_nhblack.gif (567x473, 26.49K)

The overturning of Roe v Wade didn't end abortion.
Wire coat hangers still exist.
Calm your tits.

You’ll see in about 15 years when your daughter brings home her boyfriend. Just remember, you wanted abortions gone

Niggers overwhelmingly didn't take the vax

>why havent blacks moved enmasse from the South to the Northeastern or Western USA yet in all these years?
Oakland, California
Nigs move and you're a fool to think they don't.
Granted, I don't expect them to move because of abortion (I imagine it's usually just running form a felony)

yes. which is good.

They stay in the south because of culture. Blue states are only expensive for whites. With muh diversity blacks and spics can basically live for free.

With this last campaign push they did. DOH really focused in on black vaccinations with free handouts on top of that.

>abortion is illegal: america is 90% white
>abortion becomes legal: america becomes less than 50% white
>retards like you: wow guiz it musht be cuz aborshun was stoppin the nigs

You are an asshat and completely brainless. Move to Tel Aviv where you belong

now this is nicely polished bait
tip o the coomer hat to you sir bunkertroon

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kike thread

they came from outside america, and were mostly not black

Ok kike, nigger knew and never care since they spawn faster than you can genocide them.
Enjoy your nigger world, kike.

The USA is done. We won't be able to afford prison for all the criminal blacks in 20 years.

We can thank Trump for killing white peoples hope

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black people are still going to abort
you think they care about jamming a coat hangar up in there then having a dead baby fall out? nah they don't.
but the libs don't get to harvest and eat the baby if it's done like that. it just gets thrown away. that's what libs are actually mad about.

>there is another

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Jews care about whites, right? right?

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>With this last campaign push they did. DOH really focused in on black vaccinations with free handouts on top of that
That sounds too good to be true. Blacks are a weapon used against the Hyperborean Aryan Man, and I can't see the kikes shooting their mad dog until the oceans drink Atlantis once again

It’s not black genocide. There will never be black genocide. The Jews won’t allow it. However it DOES control the population a little inside western countries ONLY. You need to understand that abortion or no abortion the black population will overtake the world anyways. And if they didn’t then the Hispanic population would. This is end game no matter what route you take. All you can do is have white kids and teach them about this phenomenon while maintaining a healthy trusting and loving relationship. If in the US then also teach them to intelligent self defense (not relaxing while at the same time not being media lynched for defense) and arm them. Ultimately the mating pool will get very small for whites and the only way you can win is to leave behind a lineage that maintains ethnicity more than everyone else around you. I fully intend to have a white lineage that outlasts all of you faggots. Good luck. Highest score wins

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Murdering babies and mutilating baby boys' genitals are sacred jewish values

Attached: jew values abortions circumcisions .jpg (1440x1199, 289.27K)

>I'll go thank my local planned parenthood
Planned Parenthood will be grateful since abortions murdering children are where they make all their money to be able to afford to perform child sex change transition surgeries and provide tranny hormones to kids

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