You chuds will get executed for war crimes if the country collapses, you do realize that?

You chuds will get executed for war crimes if the country collapses, you do realize that?

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Going to guess 'Abortion is a human right' comes next.

On my worst day those trollops couldn't take me on.

i would support murder as a human right

>forced pregnancy
Why are women this retarded? There is no ban, and they are like children


If only there were ways to prevent pregnancy. Like, not being a whore. Or just using something that hinders conception. Like contraceptives.
Fucking western whores.

>forced pregnancy
These women need to be locked up in cages
>you FORCED ME to use my vagina as a cum-receptacle despite me not wanting kids
Every woman who thinks this deserves to be shot

It is a human right, as is basically anything socially frowned upon or otherwise illegal. There are consequences, but nothing actually prevents it.
see: uvalde

go back faggot well hang you first

These people are such drama queens. Saw a story today about an abortion clinic in North Dakota relocating to Minnesota, which will make women seeking abortion from it "have to travel by car an extra fifteen minutes." Oh, the horror.

>Every woman who thinks this deserves to be shot

Its probably some retarded buzzword this bitch heard from somewhere and is mechanically repeating since women can't form independent opinions

She phrased it like that so you would think about forcibly impregnating her so she can gaslight you about sexualizing her. She’s just so cute I give her a pass though

Rape is forced pregnancy. It was a crime back in Leo Frank's day, too.

You realize no one is going to do anything because demographics are collapsing around the world and the usa is the only modern industrialized country with a healthy zoomer population and this ensures there will be a large generation alpha, securing the usa ad the worlds super powrt for the rest of the century. Meanwhile Euroean countries, China, Russia, etc. all have their populations half by 2050 and are past the point of no return

who is being forced to get pregnant?
pretty sure women do that willingly and enjoy it very much

How have you guys not descended into another civil war yet?

Some of western women are fucked beyond fixing.

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everything in life is responsible for the choices they make including who or what they have sex with, everything except for human women apparently.

how are you going to execute anybody if the system collapses? niggers are not going to organize against us, they're going to eat whoever lives closest to them, and then each other.

Every time women say they're being forced to have babies, tell them it's just common sense birth control. We're not infringing on their rights, just making it safer for the kids.

>hehehe that tickles!
>mommy i'm getting bigger every day!
>i cant wait to open my eyes and see you mommy
>mommy why am i so cold now

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Would you please stop fucking talking and come get some already.
You're hollow impotent faggy bullshit is so fucking tiresome.
God, I fucking hate you faggots with such a passion.

You're going to get hanged by your own cum soaked intestines from a lamp post in front of your weeping family.
Fuck around and find out, niggercattle.


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>will get executed
He thinks we'll be the ones executed and not the ones doing the executing.

You lost. Just get over it.

>War crimes

user you can't be this stupid

>1 post by this ID
A thread died for this

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They're Cluster Bs. like Amber Heard

lol good one

>forced pregnancy
Take it up with Mother Nature, you stupid fucking harlot.
Or, you know, just shut your whore legs, you selfish vapid cunt.

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but she's lying about it

How is it forced when they did it to themselves? That’s like saying having a hangover is forced.
Throughout this entire debate everything I’ve heard from the pro-choice side has been shaky at best and down right retarded at worst not a single good point has been raised

where are we forcefully impregnating people?

>Forced pregnancy is a crime against humanity.
Yeah and we already have a law against it, its called rape, and its illegal. Thats the only way you can force someone to get pregnant any other method is because of their own actions.

Any Forums is pro abortion for all non whites, coal burners, tards. Make it mandatory, sterilize.

Lmao. Solid cope the muttbro.

Majority of your zoomer gen are trannies addicted to tiktok. They have the physical and mental capability of a chimp.

You will all be cattle for the chinks.


Gender surgery operations are a crime against humanity and medicine.

the Chinese youth population collapse is set to be the biggest the world has seen
or as I call it, The Sparrows Revenge
what's interesting is that China doesn't seem to have embraced immigration so I am very curious if they have found a way to navigate this. it's coming to all of us. by 2050 or thereabouts even the developing world will be at or below replacement rates. even sky high birth rate countries in Africa and the ME are trending rapidly to below replacement rate birth
it's insane we are not addressing this in political conversation, even from the perspective of cheap workers for cheap goods things are going to change, and change soon

China won’t survive the decade, you won’t survive 2024

You watch too much TV, glownigger.
There is a vast world out here beyond your morning meetings, you fat greasy traitor.

The redpills have been planted, nurtured, and are already bearing fruit.
yer so fucked

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You realize if the country collapses forced pregnancy through breeding programs to up white numbers will be the norm right

You have freedom to have sex, but you don't have freedom from consequences.

The usa is addressing it, banning abortion is a step towards it. Reshoring manufacturing to mexico and latin america is another. It seems going forward, the right will be Christian Nationalists and the Left will be business and military

omfg you chuds just want to force me into pregnancy!!!

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the whores that are screaming bloody murder aren't actually known for being good for anything else.

consenting to sex is consenting to pregnancy.

Agreed, rape should be illegal

It unironically is.

top kek. Nope, they will still execute you as they always do - because you are a leech to any system and they don't like that. Chuds work.

Murder is is murder.

i'm gonna force creampie AOC

>“Forced pregnancy”

Why do they keep saying this? Who’s forcing them to get pregnant?

>tfw when the local abortion clinic shuts down but you were 1 abortion away from filling our your stamp card and the next one was going to be free so now this is anti-semitism

fuck off you dumb cunt