Why don’t incels just get an online escort ? Its literally a few clicks away and a small phone call ?

why don’t incels just get an online escort ? Its literally a few clicks away and a small phone call ?

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that would require crossing state lines

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Having to resort to PAYING for sex doesn't reward any social capital, in fact it depletes it since it's fucking pathetic and sad and fuck. Incels want a relationship, not just a whore.

You have to talk to them on he phone. If they set I up like grubhub so I don't have to talk to anyone and the sex just shows up that would work

>Paying a escort is same as having a loving girlfriend

Women are disgusting enough, I don't even want to touch a whore.

>not making her pay you
even niggers figured this out

>Incels want a relationship
Its bad enough sex is a requirement, now the goal post has been moved and i need to be an emotional support cunt for some poor faggot? i hate my father for being a poor faggot who thought he could be like a straight man and breed and attempt to be a dad. go suck a dick and jerk your bussy, relationships are for future parents, not for fags with a fetish for being straight.

Okay cunt, then don't fucking virgin shame incels into pursuing them then.

it makes Jesus sad.

I want to be Jesus' fren

I'm not virgin shaming, im gay shaming fags that want to be straight.
And if you're posting on this website you're most likely gay and should be barred from being a parent. Relationships for gays are appropriation.

Escorts make you have sex with condoms which isn't real sex. It's like eating a steak with a plastic bag over your tongue.
Escorts also won't provide really intimacy which is what incels are really missing and you can't buy that.

Too expensive for low quality

>paying for pussy
>not making pussy pay for you

Look at all these scared little bitches. I'm down op, what websites would you recommend?

In IIRC the book of Ezekiel, the lrophet is commanded to pay a hooker for a month's worth of time and marry her

He could afford it. In today's money just think about how expensive the worst hooker for a month would be, even 20/hr

It's tedious. A lot of them don't want to fuck with you unless you're 30+

I don't want to fuck.
I want to be loved and have a family.

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I daydream about buying a virgin for a month like too often

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They are afraid of women.


>whip out calculator
>15,000$ for a month

lmfao we're fucked boys

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I did, but shit's expensive and it's not worth even worrying about the STDs, much less actually getting them.

I don't even care about love. That's for fags.

Well, we aren't NIGGER BVLLS now, are we? I thinking about going to SEA and be their nigger bvll over there. When I'm older and have the money for it, of course.

It wouldn't help
They aren't desperately in need of sex. Sex they way they see it is a meme.
What they are craving is purpose. They see themselves as low value males in a society that doesn't need more low value males. High value males have sex, but getting laid won't turn them into high value males.
What these fuckers need is mythology. Narrative. A grand story to be part of. Imagine that pepe the frog "born too late to explore the seas, born too early to explore the stars" image but apply that to everything in life. Purpose is what they are lacking, and the system has failed to tell them that they can be meaningful.

The worst part is, they can't even see it. They're outraged on feminist terms.

you never give a woman money. every married breadwinner knows this.

If it's cheap then what the hell, why not? Don't sexpats fuck thai whores for $15 per fuck? That sounds like a good life.


We really need to address the phone screenshot issue.

I think so

gay fathers raise weak children and im not getting myself in trouble so some fag can play house.

Tried it. At least I’m not a virgin anymore, but it made me realize what I was craving wasn’t sex but meaningful companionship and love. And escorts can’t provide that.