Do you think people are starting to understand just how much they've been lied to?

I can't explain it bros, but lately, there is just something else in the air. Sanity. Or something.
It feels like the timeline shift that happened circa 2016 has shifted back.
It feels like the world, and people, are rational and kind again.
It feels like people are ignoring leftists again.
It feels like people are happy again.
It feels like the lies are eroding and the truth is being valued again.
Does anyone else feel it? Past two, three weeks?

Attached: Garnet_White_Mage.jpg (1645x1150, 147.01K)

No, not all
>if we could harvest dumb, we would have unlimited energy

>people are starting to understand

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People are realizing liberals are for killing their babies, for faggotry, and other issues that are for narcissists instead of social unity.

No. And never forget their compliance to shit down your throat from their supposed morally sound pedestal of lies

No, I think you're just a coping retard

Nah, we're still going in a downhill trajectory. Until we have our own march through the institutions, nothing is going to seriously change.

normalfaggots are going to be retarded even when everything around them is burning, i've learnt that much the past years

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I don't care about the goynigger sis. Don't care if they understand or remain ignorant.

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people won't do shit

>It feels like people are happy again.

I am not talking about the official path that society continues to take since there had been no change of political power in two years.
I am talking about the attitudes of people.
I swear, it feels like leftists have given up. They they know they're wrong. That something is wrong.
They aren't protesting as much. Or burning shit down.
People in general seem less hostile.
I can't be the only one who has noticed?
If I'm right, there will be very poor blue voter turnout. So watch for that.

Fuck off back to Kolob you filthy Mormondtjrk

I support your whitepill and agree.
But there's been a lot of good threads lately too and since 4chins is our whole lives that might be it too

what the fuck are you even on about you drunk

IX will always be more comfy than VII

FF9 best ff game.

I swear I've noticed it irl too. It just feels like people... have souls again?
It's really hard to describe.
Normal? Maybe.


No you're wrong. They are nicer because they fucked up. Their pedestal of morally broken lies is crumbling.

If I bullied you your entire life and you suddenly became my fucking boss. You bet your ass I'd kiss your ass to not get shat on for the shit I did.

yeah fuck them but I'm not talking about leftists themselves feeling like they have souls again. they seem like beaten dogs and I rejoice.
the rest of society that had been their hostage is what feels free again.
like people have souls and value family above all else and even can see or sense that the lies are widespread and "conspiracy theory" is an attack on an idea that may still be true

you're seeing people getting sick of "hearing about it"
I don't think much else has changed but I feel more people are over the "progressive" bullshit and over covid related shit and more people may have been at least slightly woken up to a few things as a result.

so you have noticed it.
at least I am not the only one.
I swear it *feels* different. like holy where it was once unholy. or rational where it was once chaos.

You have no idea how much you’ve been lied to. There’s not a single movement that values truth in any form. You see, you moron, truth has become your deception. You love your deception, just like a filthy Mormon loves to say Joseph Smith is a (lying) prophet. Your truth is lies because the minute you have to be inconvenienced by truth you claim up, lower your standards and pretend everything is ok. It’s not ok. So fuck off back to Kolob and leave the truth to warriors that you clearly can’t keep up with.

>Shifted back
If anything as of 2 or 3 weeks ago things at work have been getting more and more stupid.
I did notice the change in 2016 where it seemed like I had slipped into a hell verse where everyone is an asshole.
Not sure if things are back to normal...

I'm not a Mormon you fucking retard and truth is exactly what I'm talking about
it seems like people are starting to value truth again

The regular folk that didn't speak up? Maybe their voices are a bit more vocal now. But at the end of the day they're still all just cancelling who they want to or need to cancel.

Normality after fracturing the whole of society with divisiveness. It's an expectation so they can do it all over again. Enjoy it while it lasts

yes yes you can bitch at the meek for not standing up etc etc
but they kind of ate now. by flat out ignoring leftists. by not making every single thing in society about politics anymore.
even things like cancelling people, they are through and are sick of.

kind of are* now