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Is this the new tea party?

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Niggers steal without consequences, high time whites start doing the same. Lets see how fast the system fucking collapses when equal treatment is demanded by the people actually making shit work.

I find it odd that there's just a fine, not a fine on top of the total. I guess they never anticipated gas becoming so expensive.


Thats just crinimal case, wait for civil lawsuit from petrol station

It's make-believe. For car-less NEETs: Gas doesn't pump without paying first.

Yeah, you would think so. I think he might have outsmarted himself

pump before you pay went away 15 years ago

probably going to pull his ass over, I was wondering how he swing that they I remembered full service.....you don't see that very often around here as of late.

here we have the choice to pay first or pump first then pay. bet you dont feel very free any more ha ha


Civil lawsuit for 180 bucks hahahahaha

there are places where we pay people to pump our gas for us. stay mudhanded

Ive never once encounted the bullshit those queer countrymen of mine are talking about

How big of a truck does he own? Or is 32 gallons of oil actually common? Tell me now so I know if I should bother learning to drive or not.

Neighbours go into civil lawsuits over less all the time

>he doesnt think billion dollars gas companies don’t have permalawyers on retainer

Lol Americans.. the rest of the world can still be trusted. It's pay after you pump down here

Join my National Socialist Homesteading think tank Guilded server:

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Careful bong. You say the wrong words and the limeys will come and take you away.

Cops pull white people over more often after any report of criminal activity because they think they will just surrender.
Cops act like teachers doing random drug tests where the honor roll gets pulled out of class and tested 12 times each so no one on the football team gets tested.
If cops feared whites they would go after pajeets and azns instead.

Lol. No

Here in the south outside of big cities you still have the option to pay after you pump. The catch is when you press (pay inside) the cashier inside the gas station has to hit a button to allow you to start pumping fuel.

t. business owner with gas station charge account

It’s not oil, it’s gas. And that’s not that big for a truck. But most cars have 10-15 gallon tanks

That's what happens when you bus in a bunch of niggers and spics. Don't you have a camp to be in?

I hope retards try this. The fine varies by jurisdiction. In Texas this is the lowest class of theft, a class c misdemeanor. After fines and court costs, you can get community service and or have to pay restitution. Then if you get arrested again there is an enhanced charge for prior theft convictions. But you can risk it for that one tank i guess.

A thief is not based, and the person who stole the diesel will pay, one way or another.
It's better to pay what is owed up front than to have it taken from you three times over in some other way.
Consequences, gentlemen. Actions always lead to consequences. Stealing is wrong, no matter how you dress it up or try to justify it. And because it's wrong, it has negative consequences.
Pity your parents never taught you that. It's the basic concept of how to live and move in the world: Actions lead to consequences, and wrong actions (like stealing) lead to negative consequences.
That you don't agree with or believe in this principle doesn't make it not so.

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but user, the people making the laws that say stealing is bad are also stealing from us every day

Holy fuckin first post

It isn't worth prosecuting. Cost more money to prosecute than they will earn back. Similar to why niggers that steal from stores in packs never are charged. Just remember if you do steal be sure to wear a mask and not go to a store you regularly shop at.

It does if the pump store is open. Wait, you're telling me you really have to pay beforehand? How would you know how much a fill is beforehand if you're paying cash?

This is how you know you are in a shithole

Not real. Funny but not real.

restitution (repayment of the cost of stolen goods) is a thing

>dude let’s rip off the gas companies for causing inflation

The Absolute state of Americans.

I didn't know this as a zoomzoom.

to be fair, if you are known in the community and know the cashier, they will let you pump first. at least where i live in the center of ny

it didn't used to be that way here

Russia as a society has been like that for a century now.

>When you steal something, they don’t make you pay restitution.

Stupid boomer humor.

He's seriously retarded. When you continue to commit misdemeanors the charges become more serious. Try that shit if you want to be retarded but you'll end up in jail by after the third attempt

yeah, it's the little things

Lol here you pump then pay.
You must have had a lot of people stealing.

it's not gas, it's diesel fuel

Most places in the US you can pump before you pay.

Only in diverse areas.

What state are you in. Thats not a thing outside of nigger infested shitholes in wi.
T- nort central wisconsiner.

LOL. America is a failed state.

In White countries you can pump your petrol (that's "gas" for you Yankees) without paying first.

>You must have had a lot of people stealing.
you could say that

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