21 children die under mysterious circumstances in South African tavern

Someone testing bio weapons? Neurotoxins maybe?


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Seems they are trying to play it off as alcohol poisoning.

What city? What race? Is the establishment known for supplying bootleg liquor to they're patrons?

>Someone testing bio weapons? Neurotoxins maybe?

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Even for children of that age, it seems highly unlikely. I think it would be more likely that fentanyl was somehow involved but even that seems kind of ridiculous. Did somebody accidentally dump some fentanyl in a bottle of liquor? And how could it be that so many died? They must’ve all died around the same time, otherwise somebody surely would’ve noticed a number of seemingly unconscious people lying around

It's known locally for serving drinks to underage. I thought it could've been carbon monoxide from charcoal fire or something.

East London. The article says that safety regulations aren’t always enforced. They were most likely all black, but it doesn’t say

im going to guess they drank methanol from some scammy supplier who didnt realize the cheap industrial alcohol they got their hands on was denatured. happens every once in a while in shitbag countries.

>Drink methanol
>Mysterious deaths

Bioweapon would kill every last one there....I put my bet for poisoning something what they ate or drunk.

Probably gas overwhelmed these people - it was very cold.

If it was carbon monoxide poisoning then everybody in the vicinity, including the bartenders, would have suffered a similar fate. The reasoning behind my bootleg assumption comes from the fact that the staff possibly refills empty bottles of brand name booze with shitty local batches of moonshine- and sells it at a discount or special in order to make a better profit. Logically speaking, they are serving 18 year olds, so these kids that are buying alcohol probably have no way of telling the difference between brand name liquor and bootleg poison.

>Even for children of that age, it seems highly unlikely
It's probably not from drinking too much ethanol. It probably from bootleg booze full of methanol. The same thing that happened to all those American boomers in the Caribbean when the upscale resorts they were staying in refilled name brand liquor bottles with cheap Haitian booze that was heavily contaminated with methanol. It killed several of them.

Yeah that makes more sense thankyou. I think they were also serving underage people (as in around 16).

>East London
Hah, my family was from those ends, some sixty years back.
Traditionally, you're only a cockney if you were born within earshot of Bow Bell.
Of course, being broadly caucasian is the other requirement.

None of my kin up that ends now; it's all Bangs and Niggers.

poison-mist jutsu !!!!!

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Your welcome user. There is no way in hell, in my opinion, that 21 teens in some bumfuck south african bar weren't drinking the same liquor(moonshine) that lead to they're deaths. Seems like the employees and owners know exactly what happened to those kids and are just trying to cover they're own asses in order to not face the consequences. If that wasn't the case, why not fully cooperate with the local and federal authorities in order to make sure this doesn't happen again?

carbon monoxide poisoning?


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100% it was black label they were all drinking

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50 bucks it's some voodoo ritual

probably antifreeze or methanol poisoning

Clearly it was the vax.

EMF weapons testing on vaxxed intra-body nano networks

vaccine never made it to most of africa, including here. noones vaxxed

The worst thing that could happen to a case or batch of beer is it going sour. If it went from warm, to cold, to warm again, it would have a sour(skunk) taste and give them bad shits or make them vomit after 2 or 3 beers. Granted, we're talking about teenage niggers in South Africa, who know fuck all about alcohol, but still. Also, you would hear about this happening in many more establishments that carry the brand of beer in question, as opposed to this (((isolated incident))). Is that beer you posted popular in Africa?

you have the IQ of an Eastender, that is for sure. OP makes it clear it is in South Africa. although you might easily mistake the city of East London with east London