They got my cousin. The trannies got to her. What do I do? There's no way to save her from my current position...

They got my cousin. The trannies got to her. What do I do? There's no way to save her from my current position. What's a course of action I should take? Acceptance and just let her face the truth when the time comes? She's a teenager, she has no idea what she wants with her life. this just sucks. The rest of my family is just spouting the propaganda and acting lie being trasphobic is the new taboo. This fucking modern world.

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fuck her straight

>The rest of my family is just spouting the propaganda and acting lie being trasphobic is the new taboo.
Kill them

If you do it properly, she will come out as bi, that depends on the level of degeneracy she id

Serious answers guys. Right now she's at the they/them nonbinary but it's obvious she's gonna "come out" soon. People won't even listen to why I disagree interrupting me and when I bring up a book or article to show why I think that way they say they don't have time to read it and then just go on calling me a bigot. This isn't just about being right, I now what's at the end of this path. But they just can't see it.

Unironically this

You are a bigot, you will stop now or you will be arrested

She's my cousin dude!

There is literally nothing wrong with incest.

Except that I'm not sexually attracted to her and only want to fuck someone I want to marry

Beat her severely while hurling curses at her. "You're not family anymore". Shit like that. Wont change her mind, but it'll speed up the suicide after the fact.

You can't do anything but pray, retard. Welcome to our hell.

Obsession with non-incestuous marriage is a sign of being a neo-Nazi, you are displaying extreme bigotry, and you need to realize that there is something wrong with you.

This is the ultimate redpill, being redpilled is the ultimate sacrifice, you are like an observer in the absolute shitstorm that is the life of the normie, unable to change anything. It was the same for me with the vaxx. Repeatedly told my parents not to take it, they still did because "Everyone should decide for themself". Now months later my dad begrudgingly admitted it probably wasn't a smart thing seeing how many issues have come up with the vaccinated.
It will be the same for you, you are just an observer to the trannie pipeline now. After a few years when your cousin committed or attempted suicide they might tell you you were right after all.
There is nothing you can do unless you reverse groom your cousin, this would require immense time allocation and dedication.
Unless you live in the same household or maybe neighbourhood you cannot change this. All it takes is one grooming discord to completely sway her to the darkside again.
The only reason your family supports her is because that's what they've been told to do by the media.

>The trannies got to her
elaborate on this part. this could be important
you know the people she hang with?

go to her school and beat the shit out of all the school councilors

maybe hang out with her without preaching. just hang out with her offline. introduce her to your friends.
people are going crazy because they have no good role models. everyone is online getting hijacked by propaganda
she probably has no friends or bad friends
where can she meet attractive boys?
do you know any? she should meet them asap.

Let go & laugh

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The Emperor levitated

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She'll either knock it off or will face consiqences sooner or later. Both ways will be salvation for her, fren.

Fuck it, then I guess I'm a Neo-Nazi, onto the orthodox church and learning Italian to read Evola and please my grandparent
I don't want to be told I was right after the fact. I don't live near. She's a sweet girl she doesn't deserve this.
>Interact offline
Zoomer NEET here. Our ability to have offline relationships is severely limited. Everyone lives pretty far from each other as well.

At least Verification not required.

You don't just magically get indoctrinated by the cult.
First, you need a weakness which they can exploit. A weakness of character. And for weaknesses of character, most responsible of all are the parents, the family. You should look into what caused her to completely lose her mind(even by woman standards). Someone diddled her, someone neglected her, someone was a dogshit fucking parent.

I can attest to that myself; my brother is an NPC, he was raised "liberally" because my parents felt they were too strict with me and too tired from already raising one child.

Regardless, welcome to our hell, normalfag.

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If she took the juice she's dead anyways.

sounds like you need to fix your own life first
take her to theme parks or whatever if nobody has friends. organize events with a shared activity

might be severe economic downturn coming so it's best to start networking now

Seriously feel for you OP. You seem like a good person. Worst part is that the kids think they are rebellious. Back in the day smoking weed was the rebellious thing to do. All of my friends eventually moved up to harder drugs and they’re all dead. I’m sure that’s how the kids of today feel with this tranny furry faggot pride shit these days. They seriously don’t know what waits ahead, especially as they begin to age and are no longer being groomed and become completely forgotten after being used. I wish the best for you, but the best thing that can happen is reality hitting her, but by that time it’s usually too late.

With her tits chopped off and post hormone therapy which will fuck up her bones and nervous system? What kind of salvation will she receive?
I think she was groped but shit was before that. She is a stereotypical tumblr "artist" making amateur work despite years of drawing. It was slow indoctrination based on delusions of a teenage phase.

Show her stuff like picrel, most kids who are being groomed by trannies have no idea what's going to happen with them and what will they turn into at the end.

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And what you're sad you can't fuck her anymore? Grow up aussie.

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I'm so glad I don't care what happens to my stupid family any more.

harsh, and your family will hate you; but gore spamming her could actually work at least to stop her from mutilating herself.

Just talk with her using words. Words only. Don't be too combative or argumentative or you'll never convince anyone. Be logical and considerate. Good luck user it's up to you.

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Why did I start reading again? Deep down I know it's my responsibility to be a force of good but it looks so pointless in the face of a seemingly unstoppable phenomenon. Are there any books that cover these sorts of themes?
Nihilism/Apathy is a worse path to take man. I'll face hell rather than lie to myself.

She is being groomed by her environment. Her 'friends' from school, her 'teachers', councilors, media, discord trannies unironically.
The fact your family is part of that grooming group is quite despicable ngl, but there is nothing you can do unless you spend alot of time with her.
She is young so her brain is still developing, and that is exactly what these subhumans prey on. They know they can influence her reality if they just keep saying something is normal over and over.
The only way to counter-act this is a very strong willed and strong minded family to back her up.
This shit would not fly in my household, that is why all my siblings and I are normal, straight and strong willed. We do not fall for the obvious propaganda.
Unless you can find a way to redpill your family to a mild degree (They sound like ultranormies tbfh), causing her to have a strong foundation to build on, it's irreversible at this point.
Crying on Any Forums isn't going to do shit. Sending her pictures of botched tranny surgery isn't going to do shit.
Talk to her, ask her how she got to this point, what it is she feels exactly, what her plans are, why she feels like this is normal behaviour, slip in mild redpills about happiness and that most of these trannies are unhappy behind closed doors, suicide attempt rates, etc. She will counter those arguments with the standard implanted bullshit like 'They only attempt suicide so much because of muh acceptance'. Refute this bullshit. If you are unable to communicate on a high enough level to counter these tranny arguments the game is lost, and you'll only push her away further.

Unless you truly make an effort she WILL get groomed down the tranny pipeline, it's what they specialize in.
Godspeed user.

Just got to figure out how to start talking normally again without it being like "family member inexplicably starts reaching out after announcing taboo, I wonder what's his motive?" I know preaching doesn't work. We've actually had nuanced discussions in the past with her which is why I'm so saddened by this turn of events.
I know how it's happening but I'm simply not in a position to change much without fruitlessly getting convicted. You're right though. The only option is through normal conversation and playing the long game. I'm surprised this is coming from that flag.

Just show her and the rest of your dumbass family r/detrans. That shit should snap them back to reality. How you go about presenting it is the issue. Maybe instead of presenting it like "tranny bad", you could present it from the side that you're just looking out for a family member and that you think they should see this stuff before they do anything that's gonna change their world drastically.

I swear parents these days are just as short-sighted a kids tend to be. Fucking retards, all of them.

Zoomers don't really have strong households. All our parents are unhappy or/and divorced and heaps of issues. I heard society is circular but I know that societies collapse eventually and no one has ever escaped from that pattern. I'm worried I'm right in that wrong place at the wrong time. I can't help but feel cheated I'm in this modern world. I'd rather fight on a battlefield or be in a labor camp. JUst a place where the people next to me aren't going "Everytthing is fine, there's no evil!"

>I'm surprised this is coming from that flag.
We are not all completely lost user, there are those who still remember the way.
I had a similair bad experience with my neice, not in terms of the tranny pipeline but with drugs, so it hits home a bit.
Long story short she and her friend wanted to try some hashish, some moroccan gang sold her friend heroin instead, they smoked it and OD'd, my neice nearly died.
She also lives far away so there was nothing I could do, I opted to go there and slaughter them all but was stopped by my family. She survived and it scared the shit out of her to ever try something like that again, she is now 19, doesn't do drugs or smoke, has a white boyfriend despite living in a city infested with foreigners and is looking to move in together with him.
Even if it may look bad now there is always hope for a happy ending.

They don't entertain ideas. I'm just gonna do what the other user said and just talk to her and hope/pray for the best.
Just gotta have faith doing the hard but right thing is right I guess.