Who was in the right here?

The Indians or the local?

Attached: NO TOUCHING.png (1899x757, 1.76M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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shut up nigger

All I see is colored. Therefore they're all guilty. Nuke the niggered city.

Disgusting subhumans. Kill all Indians. Commit an ethnic purge on that overpopulated shithole.

post video

They’re having fun, they’re not getting rapey, if she doesn’t want to get touched, don’t go to India..

If you're ging to make dogshit threads like this, at least have the courtesy to post a link and context

Its always funny when women dont understand that "personal space" or "consent" are inherently white concepts.

Shes got a big yellow handprint on her tit.

Fucking Indians and Pakis should unironically just be genocided. What purpose do they serve? Writing incomprehensible code and harassing women?

Big deal, bitch should have stayed home.

indians will defend their subhuman culture

Attached: Most-Polluted-River-In-India-the-river-ganges.jpg (900x498, 119.53K)

These threads are all made by subhuman chinkoids

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>if you visit india then you should be ok with poopervs touching and groping you against your consent

why even visit that shit stain of a barbaric country

I don’t even get what the context is here, I know white women should never go to India unoccupied so her’s; but in the future op be more prepared. A link or a webm would’ve been nice.

Shut up faggot. Italy will never be relevant again.
>Muh Ancient Rome

So you can't hate poojeets without being a chink?

Attached: Indian 'Culture'.jpg (5013x3752, 3.95M)

Pajeet get out of white countries

But but ding ding sounding dot head retard.

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>Who was in the right here?
No one knows because you are the only one who saw the video and we are not mind readers. Neck yourself you low IQ fuck!

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The only people who have a hate boner for Indians are chinks because chinks are such fragile little fags. No white person cares about any of this

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Bloody Indians

Also remind me again which country released covid-19?

Oh yeah, it was China because sanitation isn't one of their strong points either

Attached: China.jfif.jpg (768x511, 100.29K)

>This is Pushkar you have to play.

Attached: 1656252674186.png (201x250, 9.06K)

Go home shitskin.

Here is the video.

Yeah, nobody hates a race of shitty gas station owners, shitty bosses, shitty call center tech support tards, shitty coders, shitty scammers, and most importantly shitty H1B visa immigrants. You're a poojeet, aren't you?

Attached: Shit It Down.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

Not real, bot.