The real question is, how do we actually fully ban abortions?

The real question is, how do we actually fully ban abortions?

Attached: B8EE11B8-D41E-43EA-A0AC-97782461FE43.jpg (1284x853, 283.98K)

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Take back Congress and elect a Republican president in 2024, pass a national right to life law that either outlaws abortion nationwide or slashes federal funding to states with legal abortion

if anything, we should lower the licensing requirements to be an abortionist so women can die in backalleys

Also I don’t have any other thread to post this but can someone post the screencap where an user explained how trannies are actually male aggression when they try to force you to refer them how they want to be seen? I’ve got some tranny bothering me and I want to piss them off. It’s not related to the thread but you’d be doing me a real solid right now.

The question is, I guess, how do we get a presidential candidate that’s this based, with the backing of GOP candidates that aren’t fucking snakes?
This is interesting too. I was looking forward to the coathanger “complications” these whores keep posting about.

i dont want dysgenic niggers reproducing. why would i want abortion banned?

i'm fine with abortions
but they need to come with a hysterectomy

social shaming, it's the only thing they comprehend.

would require a convention of states and an amendment.

not if you strip the courts of jurisdiction

>how do we actually fully ban abortions?
well since this is a state level issue now, be in a red state and pass legislation that makes abortion equal to premeditated homicide and ruthlessly prosecute anyone who dares to perform and get abortions

25 to life for abortionists AND for the whores getting the abortions

after the first few busses get shipped off to supermax, condoms are suddenly going to disappear off of shelves like baby formula

have fun when the liberal schizos use your overreach of power to demand states to ban guns

(legal) coup its the only opition

White Shariah

Aren't there enough pavement apes and single mother welfare moochers as it is?

But how do we stop it in blue shitholes? Ironically, getting rid of Roe conceded too much.

who cares about blue shitholes? the people with brains are fleeing the overtaxed, nigger ridden, crime infested blue third world tier states as is, meaning only niggers, retards and leftoids would be getting abortions and that's a good thing

How can you serve in government and be completely oblivious as to how that government even functions?

It's embarrassing. Same goes for all of the histrionic screeching leftists.
Abortion is not a right protected by the constitution. Therefore it is up for the states to decide. It's not a hard thing to grasp.

No, we move on to important things like banning niggers, kikes, mestizos, mentally ill people, people with iqs under 100, and womens sufferage in general.

if you like your abortions, you can keep your abortions




Say no more

Attached: trannies aggression.jpg (741x891, 568.08K)

because they're actors and zogbots. people like soros fund the campaigns of these people to get them into power, just as he did with the dozens of DAs across the country, specifically with the intent of getting (((protestors))) back on the street asap to create more havoc.

Attached: black excellence.png (1188x628, 135.52K)

Hey Croat, shite states in US want to ban all birth control, too. Stick to Slav-land w/ slav problems. The US edge lords are debating this. Foreigners fug off.

the country will break up before anybody ever fully gets what they want. CA will be the first to take its ball and go home and there won't really be much anyone can do about it when the whole west coast goes with it.

at this point you probably have more success explaining the constitution to a 4 y/o than a woman

Take these mad hoes right to vote away

sorry sweaty but i can't do that because your culture war bullshit is spilling over to us since we're having a national debate about abortion too right now

here abortion is "legal" (technically) but the bureaucratic bullshit you need to go through to actually get one is so extreme that by the time you have all the paperwork, you already delivered the baby - this as well as the fact that doctors have the right to refuse to do abortions because of their religion and the fact that only state hospitals can do abortions and not private clinics of course makes local leftoids and satanists seethe bigly