How did you feel when you realized right wingers only give a shit about babies until they're out of a woman's cunt...

How did you feel when you realized right wingers only give a shit about babies until they're out of a woman's cunt? Then they don't give a single flying fuck about them.
Especially POC babies.

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That's not true. I'm a hardline antivaxxer. No children should get injected.

I am third position so dont lump all conservatives into the lolbert camp please. Some of us want socialism without internationalism.

Right wingers don't care about babies in the womb either. They simply want to punish women for having sex outside of marriage

Still seething about this shit nigger?

When you deny someone the right to life you deny them all other rights. Don't be such an idiot, you baity boy.

That's just lolberts, they are leftists not rightwingers

POC leave their kids to wander the street like wild dogs.

You don't want to expand benefits to help low income people, many of whom are POC. You want to force them to have babies they afford because they got pregnant after an accident like a condom broke.. or even worse they were raped (plenty of white men rape Black women after all).

How did you feel when you realized left-wingers only pretend to give a shit about babies when they are not their own responsibility?

>Someone else has to take care of my kids and feel compassion for them

That's your responsibility as a parent, strangers don't have to foot the bill and you shouldn't be knocking girls up if you don't want kids.

Things aren't that Black and white dumbass. Like I said condoms can break. rape. All kinds of shit. Not that you care.

If you care so deeply about the innocent souls of the earth, why do you insist on your right to kill them?

Only black babies.

they dont belong here. they can go pick up welfare in their own countries

>right wingers
>especially poc babies
nigger stfu, how the hell am I supposed to help a black baby from afar. I’m sure you think yt peepo are responsible for black on black violent crime as well.

Show how many abortions happen out of accidents or rape

>brings up black on black crime out of nowhere

A majority of them.
Also if 'right wingers' stopped living in Leave it to Beaver and Andy Griffin they'd ease up on things like birth control and other shit like that but no. They want to hold a gun to a person's head and demand they have a child they cannot support and then abandoned them to poverty and a shit life. Possibly having that kid to grow up and become a criminal or some shit. See it all the time in Kenfucky.

I don't feel anything, so shut the fuck up

If I were leader of the USA, first thing I would do is to ensure worker’s rights. I would make sure most productive people could afford a house, a car, a good amount of leisure time, and universal healthcare. Unfortunately many blacks don’t work though so they wouldn’t see the benefits of this because I would also yank all welfare for people who do not actively seek employment.

you mean the right wingers that have
>food drives
>womens shelter
i know of churches in my area that have teenagers go door to door with lawnmowers and do some yard work for free.

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If lefties have two shits about babies, they would be pooling their resources to form charities that would provide services to fill the gaps left by the state. Instead, they resort to ineffectual screeching and histrionics in the form of tweeting about how they are “literally shaking and sobbing” for Internet points from like minded narcissists.

I’m accentuating how weak you argument is. How the fuck do white conservatives have any affect on how black babies are treated after they’re birthed?

Babies aren't alive until God breathes life into them. Which doesn't happen until after the first trimester.

LOL. Are you serious nigga? Are you for real?

Prove it

Right wingers give more charity, they adopt more, they absolutely care more about the children of others.

You don't have to have sex. You won't die if you don't have sex.
Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape or danger to the mother's help.
Are you saying you'd ban 99.x% of abortions if you could just keep that tiny percent? Of course you wouldn't, you're a lying coward bringing up rape when you don't care, really.

Objectively wrong

Rapes comprise less then 1% of all abortions. You’re fucking retarded.

>Prove it
Shall I show you numerous stories backing me up only so you can hand wave them away as 'not credible' since you do not like the sources?

Right Wingers aren't behind Christopher Wray mass slaughtering kids. Those are your Moloch people, faggot.

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t. nigger who didnt finish 6th grade

right wingers are tools of billionaires and corporations

Read the Bible, Hans.
According to who? Not that it matters. That's even worse. Hey Nicole. I know you just suffered a horrific event now lemme put this Glock to your head and tell you how you're going to have that rapist's baby and take care of it you little slut. For real man? You people are sick.

No, I don't want anecdotal evidence at all, you fucking retard

>t. Europoor who never read the Bible or went to Church

Then why do so many billionaires and corporations support the left?

Oh so you want me to wave my hands and have the stuff appear out of thin air for you? Lol. Anything else? Shall I levitate under my own power too?

Nobody is being forced to take care of a baby. Adoption is legal.

Yeah do you not realize that how your raised by your parents determines how you end up as an adult? Lemme guess, whitey is keeping the black man down and forcing them to leave single mothers to raise their black children like shit? Nigger every race endures the same kikery, whites and Asians can’t even get into decent colleges anymore bc affirmative action. There’s laws against every race, blacks are just low IQ and they respond to the Jew laws the worst. Quit being a faggot and have some self accountability.

No I think all niggers and Jews should be given free abortions , as many and as often as they want

Just carry your rapists little gift for 9 months. Haha no that won't add to your trauma or anything.
For the record I am against late term and that 'post birth' abortion shit.

No. Give me a statistic over how many abortions happen as a result of rape or accidents.

Taking cum covered shits every morning doesn’t make you a woman , freak

I was lucky growing up. I had it better than some of those around me but if you want to pretend the old system isn't there in some areas of the country be my guess. Keep crying on Any Forums about another black female playing a white character

So we're back to this -->

It's not the baby's fault the mother was raped, and killing the baby won't unripe her.

your "trolling" is bad
please do better

All this talk about men only caring about unborn childs while i sit here and really bad wanting to have kids. This shit sucks. Why did they take everything from us. I am in my mid 20's and still have my whole group of childhood friends. Not a single one has kids yet and most of us are decent looking guys. Fuck this shit!

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Go back to your mud hut nigger , humans are talking

No. Are you retarded?

I will say this, kudos to OP for this high quality ledditor larp because he’s got the retardation down almost perfectly.

There is no baby when most abortions take place in the early term.
Are you one of those retards who think after a man and a woman have sex and he nuts inside her there are now three people in that room?

>Read the Bible, Hans
A reading from the book of Jeremiah.
"In the Womb I knew thee, before thou was born I had anointed thee."

The Word, of the Lord.
Praise be to God.

I fucking hate nu/pol/ so much
I fucking hate every single one of you

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So? At least they're alive. Would you rather they be dead and no one care about them or alive and no one care about them? This argument is fucking stupid


So you have none lol

Life begins at conception

you’re a whiney bitch. This is the exact reason why black babies have it the worst. You can’t get past your emotions to even think logically. Abortions are terrible for the black community, they need to learn how to reform their entire culture around re-creating a nuclear family - with solid traditions and moral values. You know I’m right, but you’re too much of a faggot to admit it so this will be my last post. Fuck you nigger.

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I didn't specifically say men. You did. I said right wingers. I see plenty of right wing thots on twitter and insta trying to make everyone live like some bitch on Little House on the Prairie.

yes the nigger is


Your just a clump of cells

I don't give a shit about them even when they're inside. I just love watching you cry.

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Yes that became apparent when you started whining for more of Drumpf's stimmy gibs. Bunch of trailer trash welfare queens.

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After God formed man in Genesis 2:7, He “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”. Although the man was fully formed by God in all respects, he was not a living being until after taking his first breath.

In Job 33:4, it states: “The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Again, to quote Ezekiel 37:5&6, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

Of course it does

In Exodus 21:22 it states that if a man causes a woman to have a miscarriage, he shall be fined; however, if the woman dies then he will be put to death. It should be apparent from this that the aborted fetus is not considered a living human being since the resulting punishment for the abortion is nothing more than a fine; it is not classified by the bible as a capital offense.

Stories are not statistics, he asked for statistics.

According to the bible, destroying a living fetus does not equate to killing a living human being even though the fetus has the potential of becoming a human being. One can not kill something that has not been born and taken a breath. This means that a stillborn would not be considered a human being either. Of course, every living sperm has the potential of becoming a human being although not one in a million will make it; the rest are aborted. .


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Statistics that don't back up your view are fake and statistics that do are real. Real convenient that.

yes because my dick is big enough to fill her womb with cum

Yeah ok faggot. Stop fapping to CSAM and kys already, you useless dead end.