Be me

>Be me
>Become single for the first time in 10 years
>Start looking at the dating market
>Literally every girl is a socialist
I either have to pretend to be a socialist or move to get laid. What the fuck is happening

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You're a retard not to be a socialist. People under 40 aren't falling for the old cold war propaganda. The rightwing thing really was a unique thing to boomers. The country was very economically left prior to the boomers took over in the late 20th century. And the generations after boomers are very leftwing.
GenX = boomer by the way. Same idiotic bullshit. And the reason, most likely, is because of the high levels of lead exposure that was unique to those two generations, through leaded gas, which just messed their brains up and turned them into mentally ill psychopaths with brain damage and low IQs

I also want to point out that when the USA moved to the right starting with Nixon, then into Reagan, and then into the Clinton years where the dem party had to start moving right in order to keep getting votes, the country just went downhill

The more to the right we've moved, the more we've gone downhill

tldr commie nigger

why don't you go to venezuela if you like socialism so much, snowflake?

You need to outframe her commie bullshit. Just out-man her, particularly if you're into her.

Yeah I'm a socialist...
Of the nationalist variety.

Im 24 fuck commies and fuck you faggot. KILL A COMMIE KILL A COMMIE

Keep her socialist. Just try and get her to be a little more "nationalist". If you catch my drift.

You know the nazis weren't socialists, right? They had the same economic policies of the GOP. Same social policies too really, if the GOP didn't have the dems to push back on them. Only difference being nazis scapegoated jews, the GOP scapegoats blacks and immigrants

They were just capitalists. Just ordinary capitalists. They hated socialists and actually killed and hunted people who were just economically centrist. Not even actual socialists, just economic centrists

Nazis were the worst. Pure evil. Mass murdered so many and turned the German people they claimed to love into slaves. It's beyond me how any moron could seriously identity as "a nazi"

>You know the nazis weren't socialists, right? They had the same economic policies of the GOP. Same social policies too really, if the GOP didn't have the dems to push back on them. Only difference being nazis scapegoated jews, the GOP scapegoats blacks and immigrants
>They were just capitalists. Just ordinary capitalists. They hated socialists and actually killed and hunted people who were just economically centrist. Not even actual socialists, just economic centrists
>Nazis were the worst. Pure evil. Mass murdered so many and turned the German people they claimed to love into slaves. It's beyond me how any moron could seriously identity as "a nazi"
And it's because you're never gonna get racism and socialism together. Because the racism is used to control people to get them to vote against their own economic interests. The racism is used to dupe hillbilly morons into supporting their own enslavement

Same tactic the upper classes have always used.

You'll never get it. You'll never get racism + socialism. You need to choose one or the other. If you choose racism then you'll just be a slave. This is why the left is explicitly opposed to all identity politics

>just get your digital cbdc social credit score bro
>just relinquish all your freedoms so government can have say on who is worthy of money
>it totally won't be centered around compliance and conformity to WEF's depopulation agenda


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>You know the nazis weren't socialists, right?
Libtard cope.

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Yeah that's not socialism. Nazism was not socialism. Maybe try reading the shit I wrote up here

i can’t imagine the hell it would be being single in a city in this current environment. our colleges have churned out a bunch of retarded kids whose only idea is to retry bad ideas, obsess about fags and women, pander to lying blacks, and say sweden and norway over and over again like its some kind of witch incantation.

but conservative and apolitical women exist and even the girls who seem socialist just need a man to introduce them to logic sonetimes instead of emotion.

these are times for strong men OP. so be bold and be yourself. don’t compromise or you will find yourself with some stupid emotional commie whore you hate. wish you all the best.

Kill yourself faggot.

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

8 For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man.

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;

2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.

3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

>real socialism has never been tried

I wish


I don't even know what that means honestly, or why you morons on the right say it perpetually. I don't know what point it's supposed to convey or intended to communicate. Someone told me once that it's something lefties say, except it's not. It's not something I've ever heard anyone on the left say. I just hear you all driveling it incoherently as total non sequiturs

Thanks bro. Checked

Thanks for the insights rebbe.

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>It's not real socialism unless you are an anti-White sexual deviant
>The National Socialist German Worker's Party is basically the same as Zionist capitalists
Did you ever consider the possibility that you are just stupid?

Attached: Fritz Erler (Frankenstein in Schlesien, Province of Silesia, Kingdom of Prussia, North German Confederation 1868-1940 Munich, Free State of Bavaria, German Reich) Porträt der Führers - Oil on Canvas 1939.jpg (1000x1681, 2.34M)

>Thinks you have to agree with women in order to date them
No wonder she left you

How does that even make any sense in context? "I wish"? Like you wish what? For the deaths of millions of people? Yeah, that happened. It factually did. Why the fuck would you even wish for it and then pretend it didn't happen after? Do you think you're fooling literally anyone with the "holocaust didn't happen" horseshit?

I don't have to agree with a girl to date her. But if her idea of a "date" is throwing a Molotov cocktail at the LAPD, it's a bit difficult for me to form a connection

Shut the fuck up materialist retard. The economy is a ghost, not a God. You and Capitalists alike reduce man to mere matter, an ideal world for you is a world of Godless consumers. Since life doesn't really hold any real value to you, do the world a favor and just kill yourself already.

Tell lies in order to get laid? No man has ever had to do that!
You just have to deal with it - this is the new religion that has emerged to fill the void left by the decline of the old ones.

Don't date trash, user. Put it in the bin where it belongs. Modern women are mindless drones like everyone else, and you'll be better off on your own.

Let's say that your retarded holohoax conspiracy theory is real, wouldn't it be worth exterminating the capitalist class to create socialism? As a socialist, what do you have against exterminating the Jews?

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Yeah jews aren't "a capitalist class" you're just a totally fucking inbred retard

Good work, gweilo. Keep converting more Americans so socialism so your economy can sink hard enough for our capitalist market economy to catch up with.

I just tell them their political opinions are retarded and refuse to elaborate.

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strong cope read a book sometime

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Yup I'm not the one doesn't read and isn't educated. The entire rightwing is. Central banking is good. Very good. Private banking is what is evil. There should never be any banks run for profit. Nobody should be getting rich off of banking. It should be entirely nationalized and centralized. It's the most powerful industry in the world and there's no reason to let private bankers control the industry. It should be controlled democratically by your society, where every citizen gets a vote so that it's forced to operate for public good