Can we have a health redpill thread...

can we have a health redpill thread? does anybody have anything on how certain vegetable oils are fucking terrible for you? i need the mice test specifically

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>bitcoin=seed oils bad
huh what?

>bitcoin diet trend
Do journalists even pretend to be legitimate these days?

must be how baby boomers think apparently.
>does biitcoin make video games your brain rot fm synthesizers the devil seed oil??
>study goes maybe

Funny, I take every opportunity i can to shit on cryptobros but even I know seed oils are shitty for you.

if mainstream media makes hit pieces against abstaining from seed oil, it might be a good idea to abstain from seed oil

I got too much shit to go through , I really need to organize all my saved crap

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Here. Read all of these:

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I've only got this guy.

give me the qrd I use canola oil for my deep fryer i use it 3-5 times a week. I cook with a shitload of extra virgin olive oil. I am in my 30s. literally 0% bodyfat skinny my whole life, but I dont really feel healthy per se

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See tl:dr, shit is worse for your heart tissue and may assist in the development of dementia.

EVOO is good though

Canola oil is about the worst shit you can use . Olive oil , Coconut oil , and avocado oil are your best bets

what happened to the cotton ball
i have to know aaaaaah

I prefer avacado oil for frying, but EVOO is good all purpose.

This isn't a redpill , but very funny

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Ask yourself first "what is a canola?"

Its because most internet articles nowadays are AI generated.

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This , I try to find a guide on how to fix on specific problem and there's nothing but AI generated articles that all say the same shit

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On Seed Oils

Rudolf Diesel designed his engine to run on peanut oil as a way to make farmers non-reliant on petroleum. The earliest applications of peanut, basedbean, sunflower and other seed oils was as engine fuel. Petroleum companies sunk a lot of money into mills because they believed that people would be "growing" their own fuel but it didn't work out. Eventually these biofuels were replaced with a petroleum product called diesel fuel because the seed oils caused gelling (coagulation) in engines.... instead of just admitting that seed oils were a failure they started feeding it to people and now the people's arteries are gelling.

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Really not that much has changed between today and the 1990's. Car access per capita is up like 5% from 68% to 73%, The percentage of labor v. office jobs is nearly identical and yes - Americans eat more fast food today but they still ate a fucking ton back in the 90's. So what caused Americans to go from just overweight to morbidly fucking obese with 400 and 500 pounders being something you wouldn't even bat an eye at.
Something has definitely changed and we can't continue to pretend it's caused by slight behavioral trends. Could it be that in 1994 McDonald's stopped frying their potatoes in beef tallow and moved to using vegetable oil. Most other chains followed shortly after. We've completely disregarded butter, lard, and tallow which had been used for all of history and moved to frying in oils intended to be engine fuel and all of a sudden people have become completely monstrosities never before seen by man so hideous they're something out of a Brother's Grimm book.

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source on these quotes?

On Commercial Tobacco Production

Tobacco is in no way harmful for you, it's been smoked for thousands of years including by 80% of the entire western population in the 20th century.
The sudden and dramatic rise in throat, lung and mouth cancer began in the late 50's into the 60's shortly after most farmers adopted use of chemical fertilizers. These fertilizers contain small amounts of plutonium and uranium and while they pose no risk to most crops they are lethal when used with tobacco crop. The plutonium and uranium decay in the soil releasing radon gas which sticks to the tobacco leaf's tar like surface. Again this isn't an issue with any crop other than tobacco. These fields which were tainted with chemical fertilizers can never again be used to grow tobacco but the government/dow chemical will never admit that they approved chemical fertilizers that led to the death of hundreds of millions - instead we're told to believe that people have always been dying from cancer and no one ever noticed anything.
If you want tobacco buy it from the Amish. This isn't some fringe theory or anything it's observed time and time again in laboratory settings that tobacco grown in soil that has never been chemically fertilized does not have the same cancer causing properties as tobacco which is mass produced. This is why they say that Marijuana isn't cancer causing (at least not nearly as much as tobacco), it's mostly grown in small batches of untreated soil.

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Me. I just looked up some effortposts I've written in the past.

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