This a 32 year old woman. Tell me again how the wall exists?

this a 32 year old woman. Tell me again how the wall exists?

Attached: Kristin_Stewart_and_Dylan_Meyer_2022-03-13-_(cropped).jpg (800x1163, 252.61K)

Cake of makeup

just run MakeApp on her and you'll understand, lol

32 not old

looks like a dyke with that man chin


Now do Emma Watson, dear subhuman

>1,000 lbs of makeup

>has a pass
>doesn't pass

Lot of miles between 32 and 35!

hi israeli jew how are you, hows mossad doing these days???

Nigger you can see the hidden bags under her makeup this bait is weaksauce

the wall doesnt start until menopause if you arent a fatass

Attached: 592.png (600x568, 347.28K)

fucking kike

bakery full of makeup

you need better examples

Attached: walled.png (183x34, 15.8K)

There are exceptions. Some women don't eat grain products, and that would be Kristen Stewart for example

And not a single pixel un-Photoshopped. Celebrities even photoshop their "candid" paparazzi and red carpet photos.

Let it be known that Elsa of Arendelle is some fucking Mossad agent in Israel shitposting for the shills all over the internet.

>their aren't outliers to the
>majority of white women

considering the vaccination rate, that means like about a year ago. it's over, just chop your dick off dont let the demons get a good dick.
this might be key.

The wall exists, but it is very variable. Most women hit the wall around 30, but I've seen women go past 40 without hitting it, and women who've hit it at like 21 (oof).