There's a reason why top political scientists rank him as a top 10 president of all time

There's a reason why top political scientists rank him as a top 10 president of all time

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Because they are jews who hate white people.

what's that reason?

bingo nigga

>(((political scientists)))

Becuase "science" is dead, and has been "we'll say whatever the people paying us want us to say" for decades? Including not actually science fields like political science.

Because (((top political scientists))) are communist jewish academics.

He's a nigger and din du nuffin' wrong, simple as

Its because 97% of experts like to keep their position as experts and not get fired.

There is a lot of criticism you could legitimately hit Obama with, but conservatives have actually shielded him by being completely shit real arguing.

1.AI Drone bombings
2. Let OPEC shut down the fracking production
3.Basically let ISIS rise to power by not siding with moderates and considering ISIS a legit military in the arab uprising. He even openly regretted this as a mistake.
4.Bombed a hospital, doctors without borders.
5. Renewed the Patriot Act

I mean, when you think about it, there is a lot to actually go on, but conservatives be like "muh birth certificate" because they need arguments a five year old will understand for their voting base.


sodomite loser

Especially soft science, including medicine. It’s all based off of empirical evidence which is easily manipulated to say whatever you want it to.

>saved economy after Bush's great recession
>made America more tolerant and inclusive for EVERYONE rather than only white males
>made healthcare affordable for everyone
>Saved US Banks and Auto industry
>killed Osama Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi
>ended the war in Iraq
>saved millions of children from being deported and gave them a pathway to citizenship
>nominated the first Hispanic woman to the Supreme Court

Face it chuds, Barack Obama is the best president of our lifetime, certainly way better than that orange shithead. America is not only for you white males

Yeah, they're hacks

Personally I hold him responsible, directly, for deteriorating racial relations in the US. Had he not weighed in on, and personally endorsed, Black Lives Matter, it likely would not have become such a huge movement in his second term.

Obama fucks and eats dogs

Sorry had to say it. Just lol that this man was "the president"

since their so smart i will let them run mmy life now lol. IM GONNA BE RICH.

Of course the leaf has to give a hot cucked take.


You can tell a fake science discipline by whether it has the word "science" in the name.
"political science", as if by sprinkling in some math you've made it truly rigorous.

>top political scientists

Because the US polsci and FP community is full of IR liberal globalist idiots.

Because he was a good little lap dog that eagerly did their bidding.
Troll game weak, glowie.

>Doctors without borders
Yurts, ok, tx

Is that reason because “political science” is a bullshit field full of useful idiot commie academics?

Anal orgasms.

I could also say targetting right wing groups through the IRS and wiping the military brass of people like General McInerney over spitting on the sidewalk offenses.

Worst president ever eclipsed only by Biden. He was a Marxists scumbag that ruined the economy and damaged the effectiveness of our military while simultaneously funding and creating the terrorists group known as Isis. He was also an extreme racist who hated whites and Mexicans


'Cause he's a phony nigger?

You know, History proves that Obama knew that Hunter fucked his underrage kid concentually?

Master Nigger Spy Obama sees everything Trump does, but Hunter fuckin' his kid slipped the radar?

They're all sick fucks.

Hussein marker

nigger. just say he was a nigger.

He be like Chris Rock and Albet Einstine had a baby or some shit. - expert