I’m french and I say what I think of your country

France is the most visited country in the world, we have a lot of tourists.
I have also traveled quite a bit.

so i can judge, go show yourself if you're not afraid

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Juge le Québec.

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Du coup je peux te répondre en français, je trouve que c’est une région courageuse qui veut préserver sa culture et avoir son indépendance. En revanche l’accent est dans les aspects négatifs.

Niveau économie vous vous en sortez mieux que les canadiens ?

Paris is worse than London, Birmingham or Wolverhampton and that is a level of shithole I could not accept, despite the more than generous pay I was offered to work in town.

Sorry but london is pretty bas next to paris yet paris is the worst city in france.
in london you can be attacked with acid and be disfigured for life. this does not exist in France

The absolute Leaf. Judge away my french.
We have your bastards still living here, could you please let us return them home?

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>Niveau économie, vous vous en sortez mieux que les canadiens?

Notre premier ministre vient just de donner 500$ à tout le monde pour "combattre l'inflation".
C'est pas mal cringe pour un gars qui étudie en économie en ce moment. Ça va seulement créer plus de problème plus tard, j'aimerais mieux crisser mon camp au Montana et laisser ma province crevé de faim.
Not my fault if my people are so cringe, just look at Trudeau, he will always be Québécois and that makes me sad.

Vous allez surtout leur donner leur indépendance car c’est leur terre pas la vôtre

D’accord mais niveau économie vois vous en sortez mieux ou pas ?

Ce n'est pas leur terre, c'est le sol canadien. Ils pourraient être cool s'ils n'étaient pas si cupides, arrogants et égoïstes. Les provinces de l'Ouest les maintiennent financièrement stables grâce aux paiements de transfert

À l'exception de l'inflation de dégénérée, il y a une crise du logement. Donc non, ça ne va pas bien ici.
Je n'ai aucune idée pour ce qui est des autres provinces. Je crois que la meilleure place en ce moment au canada où la situation économique est pas trop pire c'est l'Alberta.
Au BC c'est probablement l'enfer avec des maisons à 4 000 000$.

Do your worst frenchie. No matter what you say to me you will never live down the shame of when we invaded you at Normandy.

how are those no-go zones working out?

car burnings?

import all those mooooooslims yes?

what do the french think of poland and do you see eastern europeans as fellow europeans or as barbarians?

What did you say amerimutt? Does your country is not collapsing right now?

What do you think of Florida, specifically? Not the US?

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Not much, the majority of Western Europeans, especially the French, see Eastern countries as poor and not very influential. then your country benefits the most from European subsidies.

south america? arg?

No it's not, and the fact that you believe it is, is evidence that you adhere to what you see on TV. You have been effectively brainwashed and there is nothing I can say to reprieve you from it. I'd apologize but you are lost in the sauce.

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I think it's pretty dangerous there, there are also hurricane risks, the homicide rate and the people

Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay are the best countries in South America. Mexico is an utter shithole.

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I think not, we have the example of BLM, killings every day, no free health care, schools are very expensive. You can't live well there

I never went there but I liked Brazil, moreover it is an emerging country

My dude, your nation is worse than Weimar, you are collapsing.
Everyone can see this. No point in denying it.

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Ive lived here for 40 years and never had a problem with any of those things. You are brainwashed by media, your government has you under control, you will NEVER know freedom like we do in the heartland.

Je t'aime pas.

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