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I am so fucking moved right now

Nobody forces anybody to carry either. Anyway, I'm tired of reading 20 year old's "thinking" on the internet. Grandpa is going for a walk.

We should be like Canada where a pregnant woman can’t carry a firearm to defend her baby but can abort it at 9 months

Looks like a fat guy with a beer gut. Says a lot about our society.

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literally me...I am forced to carry this burden.
Thanks a lot supreme court!

Ones in the constitution one isn't it isn't gender reassignment science

Abortion violates the declaration of independence which also guarantees us some select rights one of them being the right to life.

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I have a gut that fat. Every time I go to shit I birth a nigglet.


How about you put the two together and blow your brains out you retard whore, OP?

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Actually, they are free to voice their opinions to their representatives and vote. The state's opinions can be changed if the population wants it. One person's opinion is not worth any more or any less of the others in the state, regardless of number of online hissy fits thrown.

>Every time I go to shit I birth a nigglet.
Congratulations, Jamal!

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Everyone should be forced to carry a gun.


this lunacy will never die

Change it to "guns don't kill people, abortions kill people".

One is expressed clearly in the Constitution; the other is not. I really don't expect retarded child-like minded people to understand this concept--only that it exists.

Please force everyone to carry a gun at all times in public

Hey, that's pretty clever.
They can fuck off and cope.
Not my problem.
Don't make it my problem again.

>I am so fucking moved right now
To take a shit, we're all guessing.

The government didn’t force them to get pregnant. No one ever seems to acknowledge this.

Someone should shoop Saint Floyd into this one. Its just too good.

You like killing babies, now you can shoot your rapists, kek, just admit you're a murderer prostitute, ho. Broad is the path of destruction, and many are those that all into it.

No one is forcing her to spread her legs and let some beta cum inside her.

Pregnancies don't drop out of the skies ladies.

Men should be allowed weapons on parity with the standing army and women shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone kill a fetus, and Im tired of pretending otherwise.

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Women can't into personal responsibility.

I'm glad how they are seething so bad just because there is two little stones in the way of their satanist left wing distopia.

Fuck whores and fuck leftist control freaks.

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When is the state going to pay for my AR15 M4 SOPMOD Any Forums?

>the right to cum
>and cum git sum

Ending abortion does not mean women are forced to give birth that is as stupid as saying the speed limit is forcing you to be late for work.

I am LITERALLY shaking right now!
This is so POWERFUL!!!
Oh. My. God.