No trace remains of Hitler's body

In fact, the piece of skull they found and claimed was his, turned out to be a woman's ayy lmao. Where is the proof for Hitler's "le heckin' suicide"? No trace remains of Hitler's body, just like there is no trace of the 6 gorillion jews he allegedly had killed.

Imagine having no evidence whatsoever for historical events you claim were UNDOUBTEDLY true.
Imagine having to silence and imprison those who see through your thinly veiled bullshit facade of lies.

Attached: Absolut peinlich.jpg (414x474, 50.13K)

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>No trace remains of Hitler's body
Many such cases.

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Hitler said he was going to kill himself.
Killing oneself is the honorable way to go in the face of capture.

I see no evidence that he killed himself, and I see no reason to why he would. I am sure he left.

Read UFOs Nazis Secret Weapon. It explains how there were up to 250,000 Germans who also went missing after 1945. Hitler clearly went with them. They escaped to Norway then South America then Antarctica then from there either inside the Earth itself or to The Moon

There's information that cast doubt on his suicide and instead that he fled to Argentina.

You are correct. I wonder what year he really died and if he ever was on the internet. I bet he shitposted in old web 1.0 forums

Argentina was just a waystation. He went much farther

That would be a pussy move.

Hitler murdered his kids and then escaped? What a piece of shit

He learned of the bomb and needed to make it to a decentralized location you absolute smoothbrain. Can't bomb Antarctica or inner earth or the moon.

He died at Residencia Inalco in Bariloche.

basically what Durate did in the expanse

Hitler here. I am safe and sound in Argentina. Thanks for your concern.

Lol, nazis here would go bat shit nuts if they knew hitler lived and in the end larped as a doctor and actually merried a black woman because other nazis dumped his ass when they found out where the white babies ended up from love camps!

His bish left him and took their two daughters away, the only one who looked after him and saved him was a blacl wlman he married, and the village she was from.

Now that I think of it... Where is (((epstein's))) body?

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Hitler never died.
Wherever men dream of freedom and live in defiance of the satanic jews, Hitler is there strengthening your spirit.
Wherever men and women honor God Creator and refuse to follow the degradation of family, Hitler is alive.
Geronimo, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Putin and Hitler did nothing wrong.

he's back at Langley desu

I heard once that an old SS man from South America said that Adolf Hitler's grave site is in an unknown location on the outskirts of the Amazon jungle in Peru somewhere. It is alleged that only the SS officers who buried him know the exact location of his grave.

Source: just trust me

they can't have their best agents go to waste like this, he was flown to argentina and died of old age.

Accounts vary:

In a thread that's mocking a lack of evidence of a body, you decide to go with "Oh he's either inside the earth or on the moon" Take your fucking meds mate.