The nigger / sheeboon of this size consumes approximately

the nigger / sheeboon of this size consumes approximately
>4500-5000 calories a day
wich is
>1 825 000 (one million eight hundred thousand+) calories a year
she lives roughly 80 years, so within the life, this fat nigger consumes
>146 000 000 (one hundred forty six thosand millions) calories per life
wich is roughly
>64 000 whole chickens
>568096 Big Macs
you choose it but.
does her life really cost the amount of all the resources taken to sustain it?

Attached: NIGGER TICK.jpg (784x960, 102.7K)

so, again:
64 000 chickens were made, given up their lives to sustain this one fat nigger alone. or, it was taken the amount of resources to make , roughly, 600 000 Big Macs.

now lets count the amount of the american niggers who are well alive and daily consume all these resources..

You may not like it, but that is what peak “global food crisis” performance looks like.

>she lives roughly 80 years

ameritards were told you at least she wasn't aborted

Attached: 96A06034-A4E8-44E7-B8CC-8B085110379F.png (1917x962, 1.55M)

A walking potato

Yeah no fucking chance. She'll be dead by 60 if she's lucky.


Nigga looks like a easter egg

Stroke at 50 honestly

the population of the americano niggerino is, roughly, 50 milliom people. now hear me out. ALL the math above you mutlyply by 50 million.

the US spends 90000000000000 calories of resources for niggers only. its 9X10^13. its sheer math. let me calculate what this amnount of food and energy costs in compare

I wish to one day have the confidence and bravado of the average morbidly obese black woman.
Imagine looking like that and having the balls to pose for a picture.

hold on. hold the fuck on. Im trying to bring up some real human conversetion here. we have a massive problem. its math. you cant argue that. Im a retard and probably a wee drunk but I was thinking about it for ages. Greta should think more of the US which spends the enormouse amount of calories (energy) for the population wich brings nothing into the system. hear me fucking out.

ok no one's listening me. Ive got it. close the thread.

Do the math faggot

American, explain right now how the crafting of these meatmass isn't a crime against humanity severe enough to even consider you non-white

Ceausescu of Romania implemented a ration for people but they toppled him, everyone was healthy and skinny during his time from what I have seen in the pics

>does her life really cost the amount of all the resources taken to sustain it?

>Im a retard and probably a wee drunk
yep, good night ivan

good night you too, Hans. dont freeze to death for ukraine btw.

freezing to death is a meme

Basically this image

Attached: 1496854088028.png (657x705, 316.37K)

I bet her pussy smells amazing.

As long as it's her paying for all that food and not the taxpayer, she can be a walking potato all she likes.

I know. but ok.

Are you retarded?
>she lives roughly 80 years.
No she would be lucky to see 50.
People that size routinely die before 45.

I use that nigger pic on my dating profile or this guy

Attached: 1653911250680.jpg (365x419, 23.72K)


(also she would be above the 'standard unit' in terms of calories? maybe count 0.7 on average for group)

Attached: meooww.jpg (540x540, 49.12K)

>is it worth the resources