KEK these are your allies Any Forums

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the soviet union persecuted its jews
that's good enough for me

Yes, and?

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Tbf it's both far right and far left supporting Russia, but far left is very unpopular in the west

I'm confused... do they think Russia will be communist again some day?

Based pragmatismbro

>these are your allies
I have no allies

based tankies gonna stomp globohomo kiketalism in the throat

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>the soviet union persecuted its jews
The fuck are you on about? It was started by and made expressly for the purpose of ENRICHING jews. There's nothing more profitable than communist slavery.

OP is a retard and can't link shit:

yeah zionists are worse and at least we'll be free. keep both sidesing though, glow fag

They look less shit than the crowds of liberals usually at protests

>Russia is aggressor
>Communists in Germany
Talk about role reversal

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this shit won't work here anymore. young white men have been so disenfranchised and told every goddamn problem is their fault for nearly a decade. They're so demoralized the fighting spirit of whites just won't show up, even if they taunt Putin into nuking some European capitol. Let all the spic anchor babies go die for zog.

Until Stalin BTFOed them.

Every tankie would be a Fascist if they just dropped their Marxist dogma.

And that's a good thing.

Every fascist would become a tankie once they realize they, like liberals, are also tools of OTANigger World Order, propping up 'right wing' movements that end up being all feds. Revolution is inherently 'leftist', cope.

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what site, extension or whatever is this (with mp4 download button)?

Any Forums doesn't seem to realize unironic antifa commies fucking hate NATO, unsurprisingly as they hate anything pro Western and love anything anti Western like all the other crackpots on the fringe. Putin himself openly backs BLM and calls everyone against him a 'nazi' for a reason.

Meanwhile everywhere worth living is pro Western and it's only shithole dictatorships without running water that are against it, which is unsurprising too since Any Forums's ideal country is some dump like Afghanistan or Russia.

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They fled to America

Wow those guys really hate tomatoes

The German cuck party. Very nice.

Plenty of examples of fascists who either advocated for or directly collaborating with the Soviet Union against the United States and NATO. Pic related
Antifa are the biggest system stooges that ever lived.

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>young white men have been so disenfranchised and told every goddamn problem is their fault for nearly a decade
As a young white man, I too can say that every goddamn problem is at least partly my fault. That's just the truth.

This, I would side with hard left communists over magatards and ziocons. The right has become a completely useless golem of zio-corporatism, and most hard-left communists are becoming based on the PC culture and gay shit issues.

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Still whiter than a stop the steal protest.
But srsly, I chose 3'rd world human values over space age degeneracy. Fuck off and die, otanigger cattle.

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Yeah this board is literally no different from bunkerchan/leftypol now, and there are still anons who deny we're being raided. Ever since the invasions began suddenly a bunch of antifa types appeared who use "nazi" as an insult and use every duginist talking point

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