Any Forums will defend this

He was Type-1 so saying “he should have lost weight” and “he should have followed a Keto diet” and “he shouldn’t have ate so much sugar when he was a kid” are not valid arguments.

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Natural selection at work. One less set of trash beetus genes.

Beetus Deleetus!

Imagine being such a cuck you don't rob/kill greedy fucks to save your own life

He shouldn’t have been type-1

Beetus juice did this, i bet he died drinking corn syrup if he even is dead.

America is for the strong

Health insurance exchanges would have only charged this faggot like 10 bucks a month and given him free insulin. For all the bitching these commies do they don't even know what exists.

I don't believe this sob story infographic and even if it was true I still wouldn't care. Not my problem.
No bump.

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Only the strong will survive the coming apocalypse my brothers.

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Bad genes die off. That is the way it is meant to be in nature.

The Biden admin is responsible for his death.

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Dont give a fuck. Not my problem he could not diet properly and died because of it.

We are where we are, as a species, because of weak genetics. Over-civilized and weak. Need a cleansing.

>thinking the American medical system will let someone die off because they can’t afford something instead of stacking on debt

why dont you blame the drug companies for the insane prices

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stupid cunt should have just not caught diabetes
wear a condom people

Out of pocket under Biden, insulin is 60 bux a pop and a vial lasts well over a month. I live in a dogshit coastal blue state so this is the highest it could be.
Where is the 1300 coming from?

>smug face
>backwards hat
>'restaurant manager'

>Any Forums will defend this.
I defend this.

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Insulin wasn't supposed to be a racket, but it is.

Obamacare was garbage and caused his death.

In Australia a 5 week suppy of insulin costs $455 and it becomes more expensive every week.

why did biden remove trumps EO which banned the price gouging of insulin?

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America is one shithole!

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Ok. I defend this.

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Isn’t oniggercare still a thing? Why is no one questioning that? lmao

Obama tried Medicare for All but Mitch McConnell hates America

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>so his disastrous obombyacare is good enough for now
your brain on kike juice, everyone

Why do mutts get diabetes? Is it because of the race mixing?

Eugenics agrees with what happened

sugar overdose and drinking and eating for something to do rather than hunger ur body gives up

high fructose corn syrup dranks

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He should have purchased insulin for $25 per vial at Walmart and skipped the insurance.

Insurance is a retard test. The insurance company makes you pay for their product, gives you another in return, and pockets trillions in profits. How much money do you think you are saving? If you think insurance is a good deal you are retarded.