Why do leftists think they have the “right” to murder unborn babies

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sex with BBC without consequences

They're too busy having sex to raise a child.

its not a human, its an embryo without a brain or sentience that is attached to the woman's body

Kill yourself subhuman fag

It has human dna, pretty sure that makes it human.


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Because they'd rather support capitalists rather than have to deal with a child getting in their way of working and drug use.

Leftists do not operate on facts or logic, they only care about emotion and what benefits them personally. Most of them are NPC tier brainlets who cannot and will not think for themselves. A select few are intelligent enough to know the truth but they are also hypocritical sociopaths who have no problem committing extreme acts of evil all while being arrogantly self righteous about it. They are the ones pulling the strings, and many of them are Jews.

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Cool guess I shouldn't be cutting off my warts in future since they have human DNA too.
Who gives a fuck, it's a non-sentient parasite - if you don't have the right to stop someone else using your body for their own purpose just because they'll die without it, how are you going to claim to have any other rights?

nice teeth britfag

They want to freely be sluts with zero repercussions. They are enraged at the idea of abortion being criminalized because doing so would remove that final safety net they have.
It's also why the obvious response to their REEEing should always just be "close your legs". Because it really is that fucking simple, but they don't want to come fact to face with their actions and their consequences.

Lol I know cause warts grow up to be fully functional humans. Great point user! I think I will change my views.

Tbh, I don't care a shit load about babies... but overturning roe v wade has been the first strike against female sexual liberation in 100 years. Holy shit do I love it. It's like a 2 year old kid that's throwing a tantrum knocking my shit over and screaming in everyone's face AND FINALLY HIS FATHER COMES IN AND BEATS HIS LITTLE BITCH ASS. THATS THE SATISFACTION IM FEELING AT WHORE ROASTIES BEING FORCED TO HAVE BABIES. HAHAHA FUCK YOU SLUTS. YOUR VAGINAS WILL BE RUINED, YOUR GUTS STRETCHED OUT, AND YOUR TITTS WILL SAG. NO MORE WHOREING AROUND-


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The bigger question is why would cuckservatives just let them murder their own babies.

several possible explanations:
1. they can't read
2. they are jewish
3. they worship satan (see #2)

Stupid cunt.

You're not a human, just an uppity cotton picker.

Because they think everything they think and believe is right and you should think that way too.Unfortunately they are all mentally ill degenerates and have no sense of reality,morality,laws,or common sense and should not be guiding the decisions of this country or the government.Abortion as birth control is insanity.

Top kek user.
My younger sister is seething so hard right now and we don't even live in the fucking US. Holy moly is she mad.

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Same reason they think they have a right to the labor of others

>Why do leftists think they have the “right” to murder unborn babies
Because it benefits the State. And because their dogma is a death cult.

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Because rights are whatever we say they are. They think it’s fine. I think it’s fine. Ergo it’s my right.
So suck my dick, I’ve got scores of unborn clumps of human flesh to destroy.

They fuck dogs and niggers, of course they think it's okay to abort their own kids.

They watched this as children and grew up to argue that disabled poor children are better off dead. Sounds completely sane.

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They think they have the right to murder anyone they want to. Which includes you and me.

commies just want to murder whites openly with no consequences; everything else they do is designed to facilitate that goal.

What about communists like Joseph Jordan, who larps as pro-White? He says he's our ally even though he's a spic.

But not your own because, and say it with me, YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN

In order to avoid retarded kids from being born.

NPCs are non sentient parasites also. Please abort yourself immediately

Calling it an unborn baby doesn't win the argument for you. It's not even self aware retard