Is this the end of Whites?

How many of you are jabbloods?

How does it feel to have participated in the extinction of your species?

Attached: 9Vv8Ou8MjjVy.png (599x749, 333.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So overturning Roe V Wade is:

A) keep the population propped up because of the vax and fertility
B) remove the only thing stopping black population from exploding now that white fertility is fucked indefinitely
C) Unrelated or something else

I need a source for that graph.
Not the tweet, the graph.
The EU site, the German govt site, and world bank all say no data has been released on births since 2020.
Im not saying it's bullshit, but it's definitely yuge if true

It's almost certainly fake since twitter schizos are passing it around, and now Any Forums has picked up on it

A and B. There’s gonna be a lot more minorities in the US now

pretty sure all races will be infertile majority if that's what the bioweapon does.

Time will tell. Something tells me not many people Africa took it.

Attached: utopia2.png (2022x1166, 1.67M)

Here is where Jikkyleaks linked to a source, but it might require an account? Not sure.
Jikky has been digging on C19 and the VAXX

Attached: c19 - depopulation.png (1134x2046, 655.8K)

Numbers from Norway. Same percentage reduction. Norwegian chart looks a bit different because Y axis starts at zero.

Attached: 1656261741305.png (598x526, 92.04K)

how do you prove you're unvaxxed? this seems like it will be important.

Total births dropped by 10% compared to last year

it's called capitalism, goyim.

Attached: media_FBFetwJWUAAu0th.png_name=orig (1).png (490x356, 161.47K)

interesting in itself that there wasn't a bump in births after lockdowns in 2020. Probably the decline started then.

Provisional data (therefore with all relevant caveats) for Switzerland. Live births Jan-April:-

2020: 26,529
2021: 27,929
2022: 24,468 = -12.4% YOY


Excellent first round result. This is preliminary data only. They are optimistic that in a few years, they will need only two national kindergarten classes.

JayC is also a great C19 VAXX researcher

Attached: jayC.png (601x665, 346.76K)

US rates been declining for some time. Don't think there is anything put out for 2022 yet.

this is about the time when someone makes a thread about "plastics affect fertility" to slide this thread.

Attached: fertilitytank.png (1328x984, 133.44K)

Thanks for the working link krautfriend. Interesting how the effect size is similar across several countries. If the vaccine is in fact impacting fertility, we can only hope that it's a transitory effect, although I have a bad feeling that that won't be the case.

>How does it feel to have participated in the extinction of your species?
Pretty good, that was always my intention.

You monster

Attached: eo74psizrep41.png (860x602, 152.79K)

Quite the get there...

Every single roastoid has 'vaccinated' in their dating profile status. I wonder what the unvaxed men to unvaxed women in the 18-35 year old bracket is.

Birth rates always decline during recessions but interdasting.

>I have a bad feeling that that won't be the case.
Sounds like for men this could be either really good news, or really bad news, depending...

Attached: unvaxxed-bitcoin.jpg (783x528, 60.69K)

We're on the Children of Men timeline now.

Birth rates during the months prior to this were above average and this is not shown in the graph, of course.

Women are blind sheep. They need men to lead them,
My wife wanted to get the vaccine so much, but I kept explaining to her how it was rushed and we should wait a few years,
I never changed my reasoning and kept firm but she still would occasionally say. I want the vaccine when she saw all the propaganda.
Now that we got the clot and heart problem shit going on, its clear i was right. Women are fucking stupid bro.

>I wonder what the unvaxed men to unvaxed women in the 18-35 year old bracket is.
Prognosis is probably not good for many of the women. Here is the header image from the Jikkyleaks twitter account. picrel.

Attached: jikky-header.jpg (1500x500, 52.56K)

>clot and heart problem
but that's because of all the burgers

In Norway it was 1.53 last time I checked. Probably even lower now.
Population collapse is imminent.

the only thing that needs to be extinct in your post is the person that though a 3D graph with yellow background was a good idea.

Original source instead of twatter cancer please.
I collect everything with somewhat reliable data, but don't touch twatter shit, 90% of it is bullshit regardless of which way it leans.
Pic related: UK data.

Attached: live_births_uk_vax.jpg (958x574, 154.91K)

>Women are blind sheep. They need men to lead them
I think a better metaphor would be that many women are "childlike" in their outlook. They've never had to "grow" up in recent years, they live in a bubble of comfort provided at the cost of (white) mens blood, sweat and tears.


You too
Thanks and checked.

Got the vaccine, friends got it too. We are all having kids. What are you larping about?

I'm unjabbed, my wife is unjabbed, we are happy. Will be breeding much

>We're on the Children of Men timeline now.
I didn't see the move, was it a ZERO birthrate, or merely greatly diminished.
We won't be at zero, here in Alberta (demographically youngest province) I suspect that outside of the city less than 50% were jabbed, and mostly older people (and medical professionals).