Illinois is FUCKED

Post yfw you're Illinois and every state around you has just banned abortion meaning tens of thousands of pregnant women will cross state lines to get it done each year
>Look at me, I am a state that is a government enforced fetal dumping ground

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Absolutely does not affect me.

I even live in Illinois.

cursed land

>Every nigger and lib from KC moves to Chicago or St Louis
This whole thing is going to unfathomably based

Think of a way to profit from it.

McDonalds in cook county get more business not going to be very ground breaking. What is IL related and gay is E15 showing up in pumps.

>He doesn't know he might get haunted by somebody's fetus

>abortion themed Bed and Breakfast but you feed them cyanide

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This. It'll keep libs isolated in their socialist shit holes. Can't wait for it really. Watch their states crumble as all the Red states become unfathomably strong and rich.

Every state that bans it is about to have an increase in crime and poverty statewide so lmao

I promise you they won't live in the bottom 3/4 of the state. Once they find out the cops in the rest of the state will still billy club a nigger they move back to Chicago or Tennessee and tell everyone about how they got Rodney King'd.
>t. Southern Illinoisian

I just realized this is going to be great for Illinois' foreskin industry

im gonna set up a stand outside of the Planned Parenthood in Peoria and sell tshirts and bottles of water to the sloots.

then i'll buy more guns w/ the profits.

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Just "under-cut" the competition

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see forgot to tag ya

What do the colors mean?

>Illinois right now

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Don't believe in ghosts, beside, how scary could a ghost baby be? What's he gonna do, cry and leave a babyshit-like odor behind?

They are separated by how quickly abortion there will become illegal. The categories range from immediately to practically immediately (will be in a couple days), so I don't know why they are even bothering to compare this information.

feels good that these automatic anti-abortion laws kicking in will drastically curtail the phenomenon of libshits moving into red states and fucking things up. Sure, there will still be roasties and other leftoids moving to texas, carolinas, georgia, etc. But they'll think twice about it now.

Our hasidic jew communities are celebrating in the streets.

capture them and send them back

Would be about this scary (pic from Witcher 3)

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no uterus no opinion


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Things can be not your problem to solve but can also still negatively impact you in annoying ways

I suppose I'd be more than a little concerned if that came at me, but I can't put that in perspective, since the reality of that happening is so far beyond unlikely, that I can't make myself feel the fear I should expect No point of reference for a haunting of any kind..

Minnesota is going to get so much fucking worse. Libshits from Wisconsin and The Dakotas are going to flock here. More Chicago Niggers I'm just glad to be not in Anoka county.

No the undesirables will go to "greener" pastures (blue states), so you would be dealing with the crime and poverty if lack of abortion caused it (it doesn't)

Isn't there a lab to harvest fetuses in Illinois.

I hate Illinois!

Thas a big pp...

It's a synagogue in Rogers Park.

I'm sorry to give you this diagnosis but if you have no Imagination that is one of the signs of greatest likelihood for NPC syndrome. Unfortunately it is terminal.

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But how will they cope with the horde of Muslim Somalians that hate abortion because of Islam?

Anoka county is the armpit of Minnesota, which is in turn the armpit of America

>women can disregard the law by crossing state lines
I told you chuds that the Rittenhouse precedent would backfire

I have an extraordinary imagination. I'm just not scared. Does it bite or something? It's still a baby; I mean, one kick to the head should send it like ten feet away, so even if it can hurt me, getting away from it would be pretty easy. If it's magical, I'm even less scared, since I know magic isn't real.
If this happened in reality, I'd have some rethinking to do.

I'm pretty sure most of the laws prohibit going to other states for the purposes of an abortion, but it's unenforceable and frankly unconstitutional (travel)

Even the leaf knows more about the US Constitution than chuds...