Will the black population increase with no more abortions?

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Good Lord
What did you ask? Oh yeah, probably, certainly even
tfw Clarence Thomas was a secret black supremacist master mind all along

God you just KNOW she ONLY fucks Asian girls

Those large udders shall nourish a race of supermen. Imagine, the physical strength of the African and the hyper intelligence of the Caucasian. This race shall inherit the stars and leave behind a litany of blood for all those who oppose.



There are NOT no more abortions

Are you a retarded bot?

It will lead to a sharp increase in Yoopers. The women are slutty and get lots of abortions.

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You guys gotta stop or I'm going to have to lay down for a few minutes


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Stop what?

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niggers and liberals will just migrate to the states with free abortions

Can you even imagine the power of her farts?


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It's already increased long ago, abortion makes no difference either way at this point. Surely you didn't fall for that CIA 13% number the NPCs shilled everywhere, did ya?

The half black half white population will increase

Infertility because of the Vaccine will make pregnancy difficult so the population will decrease. Roe V Wade no longer necessary as abortions will become no longer a thing.

>Will the black population increase with no more abortions?
I hope so.

After some kossu and salmiakki, I bet its heavenly.

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Who says there will be no more abortions? nogs will just migrate to shithole states that allow it

Yes it will and it's beautiful.

In prisons. Invest in wire coat hangers, butthole reconstruction clinics, colon cancer medicine and private prisons.

>it was decreasing before, so it stands to reason

sheboons are african tough and fertile. a pregnancy means nothing to dem while white women fainting constantly from 2nd month. momma africa made our womyn robust and tough and fertile like no other. a black woman can theoretically give birth to 40 kids in her life while a white woman has a risk of dying from birth at 50% at her 3rd birth. so yes. african population will skyrocket compared to others in america. pic for reference how blessed our fertility really is thanks to momma africa

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