1955 ad for a new home

$86k in today's dollars

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The high prices are to keep out the riff-raff. Not everyone deserve a house believe it or not. Most of the types claiming they want to own a home wouldn't maintain the property let alone better it. What's wrong with shoving those types in some high rise apartment somewhere away from those of us that enjoy the solitude of owning a home?

God America was glorious before the decline started. I envy 1950s Americans.

Attached: calvin.jpg (600x802, 118.55K)

Liar. They don't mention the scorpions in the bedroom.

>1950s America
>Before the decline started

those are likely stick construction with vinyl siding, 50 amp electrical service, and no garage. The equivalent of a modern prefab/"trailer" home rather than a real house

Ahh yes, but did you have tacos? Thought not, get rekt chud.

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Imagine buying a house for your yearly wage? Jews really fucked us bros

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And you can buy that house for that price, all run down and nigger squatters to boot.

Your claim is directly in opposition to the ad itself. Lrn2read next time, kike.

Why do you believe you are entitled to buy property at the price you want? Any price the market comes up with is by definition fair.

Not your call to make.

Yea market manipulators should be addressed instead. Price fixing doesn't solve anything.

Back to Israel Jew

they didnt have 30 year mortgages with a fixed 2% interest rate

Ye they had close to 20% rates

Attached: fed-funds-rate-historical-chart.png (1280x790, 123.64K)

You could probably get a house like that for the same price today.
No garage
No central heat or air
One small bathroom
Tiny galley kitchen
Combination dining/living room about half the size of a modern living room
Much smaller bedrooms
No laundry/utility room
No pantry
Minimal insulation
I grew up living in a 2BR/1B just like this.

>$86k in today's dollars
Official inflation figures are complete bullshit.
Current gold price/oz is 1827 while in 1955 it was 35 dollars. That's a 52.2x gain meaning the house would cost around 400k give or take.

Inflation is documented and measurable.
The most accurate graph related to this is the scale that shows worker productivity and corporate profits rise. While worker profits are flat

>homes were 3x smaller in the 50s
>they were mass produced on an assembly line
>people couldnt get endless cheap credit
>no zoning laws or codes
50s homes were basically doublewides without the trailer frame. the south has very few restrictions on land use which is why even the poorest can find a tiny bit of land somewhere and achieve the american dream. the most affordable big city in the usa is in texas because they have no zoning laws so hi density mixed use zoning is allowed and encouraged. stop discriminating against mobile home dwellers, use better urban planning and fire up some doublewide factories in china and the problem will go away
i got my doublewide for the cost of towing it away
people can borrow more because they can borrow way, way more

Low interest loans and easy money policies is not free market price discovery, it is artificial upward pressure on prices by creating demand that otherwise would not exist in a environment of normal interest rates and real risk for big financial institutions.
Americans should be entitled to being protected from financial manipulators, and the biggest one is the Federal Reserve.

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Ok boomer