How will they ever recover?

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women forgot how to lay eggs


Man, because everyone could easily tell what kind of fetus it is at a glance. 7 billion people all over the world, biologist certified, couldn't you just Google it, hurr durr

are elephants no longer life or am i missing something

Kill them. Kill them all.

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They don't have personhood

He said person, not life. Learn to take an L, brainwashed retard

You are an elephant fetus

so if it was a human it would be life?

Let them sterilize

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Ahaha gotcha!!!

idc about this whole abortion bullshit because i cant get abortions anyway.

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Abortion is never medically necessary

"personhood" is a bullshit legal term

Conservatards will get fucked in the coming culture war.

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Isn't an elephant also a person?
I mean, he has personality, why don't we define elephants as persons?
Checkmate Niggers

Niggers in Africa don't pass the mirror test until they're well into elementary school age. They're not people. LMAO

Wtf I’ve been bamboozled by a jew and love killing babies now

elephants are more human than women

Just more bad faith arguments to try and own the chuds. This is why we're going to kill you in the coming years and I won't feel bad for you, you're just a clump a cells right?

Arguments based upon a false premise are invalid.

We all have to start somewhere.There has to be a limit on this belief.If everyone in the world believed in abortion and not wanting children to ruin their fun carefree life and we were all aborted because we don't qualify as life at that point none of us would be here right now.

It's notoriously hard for women to sterilise themselves because doctors worry they may change their minds. I think it should be made easier for women because people in-cable of thinking about their potential future desires, but think too much in the now, should not procreate. Saves a whole lot of abortions and idiots being born.

I thought leftists opposed killing animal babies and are only okay with killing humans? What's going on here?

>1 ptid
>shitty twatter cap
Any Forums falls for it again

This is such an absurd fucking
>haha gottem with an AKSHYUALLY xD

I hate leftists so much

How would you know it's an elephant fetus? It's just a clump of cells, right?

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