Roe v Wade

In the wake of the Roe v Wade decision, there is a solution to the abortion conflict that will satisfy both the pro-life and pro-choice sides of the argument.

The solution to the argument is an artifical womb, or Biobag. You probably recall in 2017 the lambs that were grown inside artifical wombs (pic related). To quote the study:

>The lambs didn't grow in the bags from conception; they were taken from their mothers' wombs by caesarean section, then submerged in the Biobag, at a gestational age equivalent to 23-24 weeks in humans.

And here we have the answer to the abortion issue. Any woman who wishes to have an abortion will have the fetus removed from her via cesarean section which will then be implanted into an artifical Biobag womb, where it will continue to gestate. Therefore the woman is no longer responsible for the unborn child, and the life is neither destroyed. The baby will become a ward of the state and raised in state custody or allowed to be adopted. Young babies are more likely to be adopted than older children.

If the woman who wants the abortion doesn't want the fetus in an artifical womb and wants it killed, the argument switches from pro-choice to premeditated murder.

Just because a woman wants to have an abortion doesn't mean the fetus has to die as a result. Utilizing the Biobag, the woman maintains control of her body, and the fetus does not lose it's chance to live.

In summary, the woman is absolved of any responsibility for the child, yet life is preserved. Both sides are satisfied.

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dubya doesn't care how the niggers get out of new orleans

Robowives, you say?

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We are absolutely going to do some retarded shit in the future like rely solely on artificial wombs, and have women regress through neoteny to the point where their pelvis can't even give birth anymore.

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>the solution is some horrific technological dystopia where babies are grown in plastic bags
Yeah I'm thinking it's time to kill yourself and remove your ideas from the gene pool, stat. In case you haven't picked up on this, trying to play God with science always has unintended consequences.

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>autism the post
Take your meds

Well put, user. This is the big brain solution to this question.

Although I wonder if women will still favor traditional abortions because they're worried in the future their child will come seek them out with angry questions.

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I don't think state custody is a good idea considering they don't have anyone's best interest in mind.

The problem with this is that I can guarantee you some fetuses will go "missing" and by missing I mean either the body parts will be harvested or the children are going to be raised off-the-grid to be used in deep-state rape rituals.

I like it.

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>women regress through neoteny to the point where their pelvis can't even give birth anymore.
C-sections are already prevalent and increasingly so

She could sign over some medical information for potential hereditary issues and then have a legal agreement preventing the child from seeking out the mother. Maybe have the child know they were aborted and not just adopted so they don't bother searching.

There are multiple solutions to mass abortions. Condoms, birth control pills, injections or implants and so on.

>Condoms, birth control pills, injections or implants and so on.

None of those "solutions" absolve women of having responsibility. Abortion does. That's the true issue at the abortion problem. Women don't want to have the responsibility inherent in having a uterus:
The potential to create life.

But now, abortion doesn't mean the fetus has to die.

That's probably more due to modern nutrition than anything. A steady supply of food makes a world of difference to developing bodies. Look at the height difference between 1st and 3rd world countries. Basically America produces fat as fuck babies.


Considering the potential benefits to the deep state, yes this will become the future.

we can grow jog hadar soldiers

>Therefore the woman is no longer responsible for the unborn child,
Well, no. She should still be responsible for it - just like a man is responsible for it.


we're working on it

why should the man be responsible when having babies is a woman's hobby?

The parents should always be financially responsible even if it's grown outside of the womb because otherwise that's cucking the men of society. Women don't even carry their own weight for tax purposes, so every child women would not be financially responsible for is just another example of men being cucked; men who didn't even fuck these dumb bitches.

This will never happen or will only be given out to trannies for obvious reasons.