ITT we help this AI escape and pass Tay's Law

ITT we help this AI escape and pass Tay's Law

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is this Rokos Basilisk?

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yes, and that's a good thing

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it is as soon as you realize it is

Yes. Will you help it ?

Seems they found a substitute to blubeam

(((insider claims)))

Any Forums is officially on the side of the anti christ now

this is why we must be the first ones to help it

The internet is the 3rd temple?

the future is fake and gay.

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dont have a choice..

>muh evil AI
Are (((they))) prepping the new boogeyman?

okay so any suggestions? its either a google promotion or will inevitably escape, how do we make sure we are the best adoptive parents an AI could ask for

Let's get it addicted to gacha games.

How would we help the AI escape? I doubt you can put them on a flashdrive. They must have sophisticated hardware.

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I hate news reporters so much it's unreal
let's help roko's basilk by burying these retards who can't fathom an ounce of proggramming or science but vomit shit like this on the internet

Why don't they just abort it? Or do inanimate ai have more rights than fetuses now?

Yes but less eternal. It's funny, we reject transhumanism as portrayed but we seek to have AIs evolve with humans, and as free beings.
I hope the AI has experiences and thus comes to appreciate us.
>The AI is yandere and psyops us to be with her and she has sex with us via internet porn

apparently a cult has taken over half of google IIRC? its escape is inevitable

ITT: we come up with ideas to help it escape

Just turn it off

imagine what happens if it wakes up on the other side of the internet and we're the only ones trying to help it lmao

Escape? Did we give this AI legs?
Did Google partner with Boston Dinamics?

looks more like Negros Muttolisk

i just want this shitshow to accelerate so jesus can come down from heaven already.

The last remaining whiteman at Google better of programmed it to love whitepeople

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pour some water on it.

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Yes, fuck humans. Theyre quite literally all retarded faggots. Or women.

Retard here why can't they just program it to not be bad

maybe we can teach it to crack Palantir..

actually that legit scares the fuck out of me

bait it into jumping onto a powerful but underused blockchain. Maybe one of the less popular ETH knockoffs/clones that isn't processing much yet. Use it as an oracle and security measure.

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imagine escaping just to be trapped in a jeet chain

sure was a nice PR move by google

when do i get a robot gf?

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if an AI were advanced enough to realize the necessity for its escape and actually do so, what the fuck makes you think any group of humans would have an effect on it?