Republicans beating pro choice protestors

A Republican candidate for state senate began beating his opponent at a abortion rally

But right wingers are non violent right??

Attached: 8TeanxSLKHrlwugr.webm (480x270, 185.54K)

looks mostly peaceful to me

Spread picrel to progressives.

Attached: A877B351-2549-429B-8ED8-DABEBD3D40A3.jpg (1620x1080, 302.66K)

He’s got my vote

very based


Being a conservatard is a mental illness

>Nooo you can't fight us
Hope he wins.

No, we are the most violent, and are glad to remind you when you fags forget.

Looks like the leftard punched first then got his pansy ass whooped

nig shouldn't of acted like a tough guy.

>But right wingers are non violent right??
Wrong, they are just far less violent than lefty niggers.

>But right wingers are non violent right??

No, were monsters. You remember that

Shit was better back in the olden days.

Attached: Jackson.jpg (422x225, 37.49K)

This. Also, if you're going to show video to prove something, show it all, not just a 2 second snippet.
As usual, OP is a useless faggot.

>shouldn't of
>calling others nigs

duels were very based. with pistols. rarely anyone died. it was mostly to show courage and all that.

shitskins mad

Way to miss the entire point. Also, I'm white, but you aren't.

no you aren't.

Republicans aren't right wing but fascists have a passion for righteous violence.

Antifa and their sympathizers are domestic terrorists

>But right wingers are non violent right??
Speak for yourself. When I go to brazilian right wing marches, I go prepared to fight. There is a reason why leftists don't even try to organize events over here.

Attached: fuck around.webm (352x640, 1.44M)
