It's hilarious how the point of communism was to destroy tradition...

It's hilarious how the point of communism was to destroy tradition. When we look back at it it looks trad as fuck compared to the soulless faggotry of today.

Attached: East German military parade.png (1000x705, 1.32M)

Because the soulless faggotry of today isn't communism.

>the point of communism was to destroy tradition
You're confusing communism with capitalism again, user.

Attached: consoomption.jpg (1263x583, 291.2K)

Post-Lenin USSR deviated from marxism quite a bit.

Eastern communism =\= Western idpol infused LARP


Attached: Kim_Il-sung.jpg (3057x2293, 2.87M)

the communism of before was like the modernity of now but in the context of the time

Because although Marxism is a kike ideology when in plays out in reality it resembles fascist more than its ideological doctrine. Case in point North Korea and China, both are far closer to fascism than anything Karl Marx ever wrote.

Karl Marx hated Slavs, Jews, blacks and 90% of other communists

Damn it’s as if you want to look after your people like some sort of … socialist, but also prioritise your race and nation over others like some kinda… nationalist. If only we had a word for the fusion of these two ideas.

what we have today is obviously cultural marxism.

back then they couldn't pull that shit because they were desperatly trying to compete with the west, aside from the fact that everybody would've laughed them out of the building if they had tried that tranny and anti-male bullshit.

Cultural marxism doesn't exist, it's a made up term that makes absolutely no fucking sense.

What you refer to as cultural Marxism is just another word for free market capitalism. When you give people certain "economic freedoms" this is what happens.

Attached: cultural marxism vs neo-liberalism.jpg (720x720, 79.4K)

countries like nk and russia never suppposed to become commie according to karl max

>Let me tell you about the social system in your country.

user’s statement doesn’t imply that. Read it again.

Classic communist countries always heavily relied on Nationalism, just look at the few remaining communist countries, they only have the nationalism part left.

then how did the u.s. in the 1950's look like it did?

that connection makes only sense in so far that only the over affluence created by capitalism can create the degeneracy needed for cultural marxism. in a society where most people are dirt poor, no one's gonna give a fuck about nig noggs being underrepresented at elite university's or wamanz quotas.

Because there was a shit load of statitism, laws, religion in state schools, and government regulations on what could be broadcast on TV and in magazines. It wasn't no libertarian paradise.

if only there had ever been some ideology trying for a third way between western liberalism and marxism..

>Karl Marx hated Slavs,
He loved Poles, ironically enough.

You see USSR as a same thing all along but there were internal fights between coalitions and Stalinists (trads) won