>Abortion is NEVER medically necessary, and it’s NOT health care!
>"....are there any legitimate medical issues that could necessitate an abortion? The short answer is NO."
Link: liveaction.org/news/abortion-never-medically-health-care/

It's an easy read anons and there is also a helpful 6 minute video here from the same page:
>A Conversation with a Former Abortionist: Is abortion ever medically necessary?

Attached: ABORTIONISTSBTFO.png (901x294, 70.92K)

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any woman on welfare should be forced to have an abortion
any baby that will be retarded or deformed should also be forced to have an abortion

I don't really support abortion, but possibility of death from childbirth, maybe?

I've been jerking it to furry porn all morning. I don't even have any cum left inside of me I'm totally dry.

Who the fuck asked

Watch the video user.

I did

Huh, very interesting that this alleged physician completely omits ectopic pregnancy cases.

Either he’s a paid actor, or he’s a lying doctor. But his omission is deafening.

There is a case but the amount of times it's actually needed are very small, a fraction of a percent infact. But then that's not really abortion, you're just acting to make sure at least one survives, rather than neither surviving.

I would hope he just considers situations like those to be situations where you're acting to make sure at least one survives rather than both dying, but still.

I was raised by liberal trash and believed the lie for a very long time. Then i read how it is an elective surgery. Liberals are trash!

Sounds like abortionist bullshit, grasping for anything to justify sacrificing their kids on the altar of convenience. Close your legs.

I mean in that situation letting both the mother and baby die seems like a bit more evil, I'd at least strive to save one of them.

like at the very least save the baby, no reason both should die.

This, this just seems like leftists tier propaganda but the sides are switched.

There is 0 way to save the baby in an ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized ovum stays in the fallopian tubes instead of descending to the uterus. If not aborted, the fetus will grow inside the fallopian tube eventually rupturing it, dying and killing the mom in the process. This happens on the 4th week of pregnancy, where there isn't even a fetus yet. The baby has a 100% mortality rate.

> but premature delivery may be necessary, as Dr. Levatino pointed out — and this may or may not result in the unfortunate and unintentional death of the baby, born too early. Again, this is not an abortion — it is notthe intentional taking of the child’s life. It is a premature delivery, not an act of destruction.
Now I'm not saying whether I agree or not, but good fucking luck arguing this with any pro-choice person.

ah interesting

in this case, the mother of the child should be judged, and it be determined that if she's a total fuckup piece of shit skank, that the baby be allowed to kill her, and if she is good and has lead a virtuous, prosperous life, benefitting her community, then they abort in this very rare scenario.

that sounds incredibly vindictive

wrong, abortion is 2-3x more deadly to the mother than having a normal live birth.

>completely omits ectopic pregnancy cases.
every single state abortion law makes an exception for ectopic pregnancies.
even the catholic catechism's position is that ectopic pregnancies are not in this category and do not constitute a legitimate abortion, as the mother's health is at risk.

literally every single argument the pro-abortion people has is completely false, and can be refuted with the most basic research on the topic. also 99.4% of abortions are elective, not related to any sort of medical cause.

t. medfag

and just.
bitches need a little more vindictive in their lives

>Never medically necessary
True. But it is morally ethical to mercy kill your child so they dont suffer every fucking day of their lives like this abomination on the left.

Attached: 0C0988D8-A2BA-4F10-BCAE-6979D0EE789B.jpg (1280x720, 143.25K)

>even the catholic catechism's position is that ectopic pregnancies are not in this category and do not constitute a legitimate abortion, as the mother's health is at risk.

>I-it’s not actually an abortion because it just isn’t! Sure it’s the same procedure and constitutes killing a life but it’s different because it just is!

Christcuck arguements are pathetic. This is how you lose to the left. No, no exceptions. is logically consistent, based, and redpilled. We shouldn’t care if ectopic roasties die because it’s their fault for being a fuck up. Let nature take its course.

ya, poor guy.
I literally can't imagine being him.

>any woman on welfare should be forced to have an abortion
You know they can give the baby up to a family that can take care of them. Use your fucking brain.