Russian army is still in Kiev

Kiev is bombed everyday.

Attached: ff.jpg (600x800, 55.94K)

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They don't have to be "In Kiev" to launch missiles at it retard

nice camo

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another view of the building.

Attached: kiev.jpg (591x777, 96.57K)

What if I do 3d maps for Russian army for better awareness ?

Attached: severodonesk.png (714x378, 618.66K)

Attached: ugly.jpg (747x560, 42.92K)

this is very retarded for the russians to do, bombing civillians only makes them look bad and doesnt offer any strategical advantage.

I like how they claim Russia launched 14 rockets while only talking about that 1 building

>makes them look bad

Kek I have hours of video of Ukrainian bombing civilians.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 21-27-23 Telegram Web.png (375x348, 165.74K)

>Russian army is still in Kiev
those are long-range missiles that Russia has been firing deep inside Ukraine every fucking day since the start
mostly Kalibr, Iskander, X-101, but also Oniks, Bastion, Kinzhal
how do you think the plebbit battalion got hit in western Ukraine?

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it's queef not queef you fucking rushist bigot

dindu nuffin

of course, some fuckups can happen, especially if air defense is involved
like the air-defense missile hitting a building in Kiev at the start of all this
and that was being presented as Russian strike on residential building
or Ukrainian plane crash into a building

oh and in case you don't know
Ukraine has been using NATO artillery and shells to fire at Donetsk residential areas and many other places and cities that never before got hit for probably a month now
we are talking about artillery and grad on the whole fucking city hitting random places
that have no military targets
and the western is fucking completely silent about this
except a few episodes of German state media showing the footage and claiming that it was Russian army (yeah, Russian army is destroying the Donetsk city under its [DNR's] control)

it doesn't matter who does what, the media can say white is black and black is white

The war is over. The Ukraine had a window of opportunity but lost their momentum. I'd have to bet that it's lack of manpower but it doesn't seem that they are in a position to recruit international battalions as they did in the Spanish Civil War.

then maybe the ukies should move their forces out of civilian areas...

makes them look based

Right...nobody give a fuck anymore ..demoralization reaching unprecedented levels..glory to Russia

>Donetsk residential areas and many other places and cities that never before got hit
Indeed, Ukraine has never shelled Donetsk before now. It's openly occupied by Russians now, however, and as such has become valid military targets (just like the school in Izyum which Russians used as a command base, struck by HIMARS a couple days ago).