Roe was about Privacy

The DESIGNED AND PLANNED catch 22 is that Roe was actually about privacy.
They've removed your right to privacy.
Get read for vaxx cards.

Right to medical privacy was taken away.

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>shit the more black babies will be born narrative isn't working on those Any Forums chuds, change tactics bunkersisters

>Roe was about Privacy
Discarded schizo take, low effort, no substance post
All fields and very tiresome.

Lol, okay fag, still won't take your shit fucking vax. Shove your card up your ass.

yep, it was 48hrs of 'but there will be more niggers' now the bunker troons are on to stage 2 coping and disinfo

The ruling was literally about privacy. Try reading.
Medical rights have been removed and JUST IN TIME.
Wow, what coincidence.

Roe was wrong, but it protected certain things they now have no use for. You don't understand this. In the USA we have rights.
Yes, SCOTUS did it because they believe in what is moral and good right? lmaoooooooo
No, you've just lost your right to ever refuse to show a vaccination proof.


And it's done such a good job at it! Privacy has never been better than the last 50 years!

Neither will I. What's your point?
In what way?
I knew this thread would be attacked.
READ ROE. It's ENTIRELY about your medical privacy.
It was a scam and massive stretch at the time. But that massive stretch to let them kill babies also covered EVERYTHING.
You now have NO medical privacy.
Well, you didn't anyway in Canada.

Take some fucking meds you underage little zoomcunt.
Some of us are intelligent enough to read things other than fucktard blogs for information.

There are still going to be abortions moron.
It's just states rights now. that's good.
But you've lost a major medical protection for yourself.

Jane Roe tried to get an abortion by lying and saying she was raped by blacks.
Type who is Jane Roe into google you fucking dunce.
If it was about privacy, why did she write a book and admit to all the lying she did?

>The ruling was literally about privacy. Try reading.
So is the 4th Amendment.
Apologize to the nearest tree and remove yourself from the live global populace.

But you didn't read Roe apparently.
It's 100% couched in medical privacy as the excuse that you can kill babies.

They stripped you of medical privacy and they'll still kill babies, just under state laws.

cope more faggot

The RULING is about privacy. What you just said is true, but has little to do with the actual ruling.
It was just the public propaganda of the day.

>Zero legal source
>No link
>No hermeneutics explained

Slide shill like nigger thread

Roe was never about privacy. It just claimed stupidly that it was about privacy.

With what?
I am for Roe being gone.
But I also recognize that I've lost medical rights by the ruling. If something doesn't compensate then I have less rights.

You dumb fucking schoolkid.
You have no idea how this works, do you.
Roe didn’t establish any sort of privacy. It isn’t the foundation for any medical privacy laws.
Go be a retarded underage zoomcunt on TikTok.

screen cap the section you are sperging out over.

I don't see the big deal, Roe v Wade was just a clump of words

what was Casey about?

Wow, FLOODED with shills saying the opposite of what is obviously true.
The ruling was about medical privacy very clearly.

counterbump vs shortsighted crybaby

But that's the point isn't it?
The privacy part no longer suits them.

based, checked and agreed

He won't, if he made sense it would've been posted already.

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Except there is already federal legislation protecting medical privacy in many different ways. Roe being overturned doesn't remove that legislation.

>If I just say NO HURRDURR I am right.
Privacy, under Roe, was so absolute you could murder a baby.

Just post sources.

goddamn how old are you kid? Think for more than 2 seconds about what the OP is trying to say
try and rub those two braincells of yours together for a moment of your idiot-nigger life

Is that why your doublenigger ass can't do anymore than cry and say

It weakened it severely.
Under Roe you could literally murder a baby your privacy was so absolute.
Not it's much much weaker.
JUST IN TIME for more vaccines.

As if the glowniggers want to fight a civil war on all fronts, retard

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threads like these, where someone makes a good point and endless retards come out screechin and shitting everywhere.. they make me think the human race ain't gonna make it
I don't mean WE aren't gonna make it, I mean EVERYONE isn't gonna make it, simply because you are all so fucking STUPID that no matter what the smart ones amongst us do, your dumbasses are gonna get us all killed

They just want the war retard.

You're a bit late to be worrying about the vaccine overreach into your privacy, chud.
They already fired me and hundreds of thousands of medical workers who refused to get it and even tried getting exemption.
They already fired hundreds of thousands of people last year before this was put on hold too.

Companies are requiring this shit too.
This was all before Roe was overturned.
What exactly do you think Roe was doing for you in this regard anyway?

you underestimate the hubris of the jew

no no no
you said told us to read the ruling
screen cap the ruling, not the Wikipedia description

>you were shot at once and didn't get hit, why are you so worried?! They'd never shoot again dummy.

I understand the speculation you're trying to bring forth, but you're doing it wrong. You're digging too deep.
They didn't like "My body my choice" when it came to vax.