What is the difference between National Socialism and Fascism?

What is the difference between National Socialism and Fascism?

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With fascism if you don't respect the empire you get beatings, with nazism you get shot in the back of the head

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Good question.
The simplest answer is that NS is race based while fascism is state based.

you could have national socialism without complete totalitarianism if you tried, facism is be definition complete command economy,
say germany socialized Wolksvagen but had complete social liberties and rights simultaneously.

Originally, the priniciple difference was anti-semitism.
Mussolini grudging acquiesced to it after Hitler grew in strength.

National Socialism is a type of Fascism.
Environmentalism and the plandemic are another type.
Fascism is the exploitation of collectivist propaganda (greater good) to bind populace to authoritarian govt. (see Fasces)

Attached: fasces colour.jpg (212x437, 12.43K)

My -ism is better than your -ism
fight me

this is very simplistic. NS is also state based, but the state is strongly tied to race.


Attached: WUT THE TIK.jpg (355x394, 23.72K)

Scratch a collectivist, underneath you will find a Fascist (authoritarian).
Fascist larpers are cowards who want to hide behind the state and bully others.
The actual Fascists pull government strings. Fascist advocates are cucks.

Fundamentally similar ideologies, this is why all far-right authoritarian movements are coined fascist. It's like Marxist-Leninism & Maoism are different branches of the same ideology - Communism. They differ in their beliefs. National Socialism is German, Fascism is Italian, NeoNazism is American, Vasilikoi is Greek, and so on.

Don't talk shite.
Nationalism, Socialism, Communism are fronts for authoritarian regimes - name a single exception.
Collectivist arguments are employed to dismiss individual rights...where have yoi been the past 10 years?!

Fascism is civic national socialism.

National socialism is more progressive in the historical sense of the word. Although it’s not like fascism was entirely reactionary, both Hitler and Mussolini frequently denied requests to reinstate monarchy

This is a meme, Mussolini eventually started to agree with Hitler on race. It was literally just 1 (one) quote early on where he said he didn’t believe in race.

Fascism was slightly more collectivist.
More than 60% of Italians were subscribed to the Fascist party. Mussolini did everything in its power to gain consesus and he had a very strong one. It's just that Italians are Scapegoatish.
Many think that it's about race, but Mussolini settled for an halfway solution between banning interracial marriage, but at the same time italianizing inferior people (a man has an Italian wife at home, but fucks Ethiopian girls while abroad) which I think it's the most sensible stance. I mean, if the "white race" or Europeans regain their power, this time we have to bleach the population we defeat. Or else they'll just wait again for another crisis.

>individual rights
Like what?

Mammal is ape.
Water is rain.
Dog is Chow-Chow.

I meant it's national socialist for mutts like shitalians.

Classical Boomerists leave now

Technically defined, fascism is a merging of corporate and state power, while national socialism is just socialism with a nationalist focus (and by nation, they mean race). The two don't really have anything in common, and it's untrue that they're both just synonyms for authoritarianism.

Like invading Europe
Like mandating experimental jabs
Like discriminating against white men
Like China

BLM, Feminism, Environmentalism, Socialism all push the 'greater good' over individual rights - it's what they were designed for.

Make a point or fuck off twat

Capitalist scum who the world from his perspective is: right-wing = freedom, so the most far-right you can get is anarcho-capitalism & left = state control, therefor fascists, nazis and communists are all left-wing.

The political right represent less government, less taxes.
Since politics is just a grift, all the grifters hate the idea of less government (MSM especially), hence the demonization of the right wing.

So the left-wing in the parliament during the French revolution was actually right-wing, and the right-wing authoritarians were actually left-wing. Got it

Were you there?
You know not to trust the official line by now surely?
Are RINO's Republicans?