Most cat and dog owners alike are no longer human, it is the parasite within that controls them

most cat and dog owners alike are no longer human, it is the parasite within that controls them
i once used to see them as kind hearted animal lovers but closer inspection revealed they are of the utmost selfishness and irrationality and akin to stoners, libertarians, crossfitters and ketogenic dieters are quite fanatic and incredibly obnoxious and easily turn aggresive when confronted with reality
i cannot fully express my abhorrence to what animal keeping has become, from a time when they were kept outside, exercised, disciplined and served a purpose (both in their own eyes and their owner's) to house pets in apartment blocks that bark freely because 'aww my furry baby's talking to me' and climb on top of mommy because 'they're so full of character' and jump on everyone because 'don't worry they're just friendly and full of love' and 'look how cute he's tiptoeing on the wooden floor' and so what if i don't pick up after him, it's on the grass and you don't walk there right? and of course he can piss wherever he wants d'ooh he's a doggo sweetie, only people doing it is disgusting because it's a different pee and he drags his unclean butthole around my bedsheets anyway and i'm fine why would you worry, yikes jinkies the downstairs neighbor sure's a bigot for not being delighted, guess some folks y'all are just bad people and don't like dogs and dogs sense it and don't like them and i'd much rather trust my dog, dogs rock, what did we do to deserve such wonderful beings with no real capacity to discern good from bad, let alone actual communication skills, that so conveniently allow us to deflect the feeling of ever being wrong and having to suffer and change when we can just be accepted for who we are and i just love freezing in the rain having to walk the dog because it gives me a sense of responsibility and accomplishment no other pursuit could, like having a child and actually contributing to the world or at least another human being

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nice blogpost faggot

100% fucking agreed all dogs must be exterminated

Didn't read, I have lots of animals like quail and rabbit, I even own a "pet" dog that my son likes to roughhouse with.

Get fucked dog hater. Cats are lame too though.

Your children will grow up w/ stronger immune systems b/c of your pets. op is a retard

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Owning a dog is part of the traditional family dynamic. A dog provides companionship to men (and a sense of purpose, taking it on hikes etc.), protection to women, and fun to children. It teaches kids about responsibility, discipline and, in the end, about death - preparing them in a healthy way to mentally process older family members passing.
Cats can go fuck themselves though.

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parasite brain created this post

This is a very nice outfit that pepe is wearing.

Muslims are cancer, non whites are cancer. Both dislike animals because they lack the soul of the white man which connects them to the rest of the universe

Toxiplasmosis is a cat thing.

Also, you're a retard, so your opinion is discarded.

I’ll take any dog over your towelheaded sand nigger ass.

A parasitic relationship implies the owner gets nothing from owning a dog and this is absolutely not true. A good dog will protect family and property, immediately alert you of anyone approaching your house, and is generally a good gauge of who is to be trusted or not. I hate cats, but they have their benefits from a pest control perspective.

You sound like an user who has never had a legitimately good boy and that is the biggest tragedy of all.

I also hate how having "useless" pets have become a normal thing. Pets have always been animals you keep in the household to provide you some kind of good or service; you had horses for transport and work, pigs and cattle for food etc. now people only have dogs and/or cats, but even they had their roles back in the way. Dogs have always had their role as guards, protectors or workers, and cats have been allowed to hang around and protect the household from pest carrying animals like rats and mice
But today most people keep small, useless cats and dogs inside all day and don't "do" anything with them except have them hang around and be cute

>like having a child and actually contributing to the world or at least another human being
stopped reading right there
fucking retard

t. ahmed

Nice blog faggot.
>from a time when they were kept outside
What date would that be? Or are you just making shit up as you go along?

>stoners, libertarians, crossfitters and ketogenic dieters
Good read

Why is it always the poorest people who own cats and dogs? You dont see rich people do it as much. Do they not realise owning and looking after pets is a luxury?

Rhymes with Baboon

>it is the parasite within that controls them
The irony...

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Because rich people usually are emotionless and cold.

Well consider the parasites user.

If I could trade jewish parasites in my wallet for parasites from pets I probably would.

i think what you say is true in general but i assume what op probably meant to say in his rant is that most pets are being too anthropomorphized (made human) by pet owners to the point where the pet is spreading it's shit, piss and hair all over the house, their clothes, their food and people themselves.
a good big guard dog should live in a dog hut most of the time and should never be found on top of human seating and sleeping areas out of hygiene reasons.