They don't even hide it anymore

When you apply for a job in the modern world they ask for your ethnicity and gender. If you select white and male I assume you are automatically thrown out. Isn't being anti-racist and sexist fundementally about ignoring differences between sexes and race and seeing somebody for who they are?

Attached: hrniggers.png (1209x725, 47.32K)

Attached: hrniggersthesequel.png (624x535, 49.68K)

Just pick female and minority and use their bathrooms

I'm considering to identify as female, aboriginal and disabled and see how far I can take it

Do it. If they complain say you're race and gender fluid.

Isn't it illegal? I mean questions about race, family, gender.

>Isn't being anti-racist and sexist fundementally about ignoring differences between sexes and race and seeing somebody for who they are?
Sorry chud, but no. Not acknowledging race and sex is the privilege of white men and is thus an expression of white male supremacy.

Unironically just don’t cut your hair and claim some bullshit gender and workplaces that have stupid diversity policies will hire you. Anywhere more traditional just act like Jesus. Easy mode

what are you applying for?

I just pick refuse to say

>prefer not to say
>vaccination status
>prefer not to say
>zogbotHRMK1 has encountered a problem and shut down unexpectedly.

i am yellow male, which option should i fill in to get the max chance of employment ?
Should i go for "other" or "self identified race"?

i guess if i fill "east asian" i am mostly fucked comparing to other races, unless if i was a female asian

>Isn't being anti-racist and sexist fundementally about ignoring differences between sexes and race and seeing somebody for who they are?
Get with the times old man, that's called being racist now. MLK jr was a racist and you need to just accept it. Because white people still cling to power it means that they're using white supremacy to keep everyone else down, so you need to give up your job to a Black man.

Where is the English option?

just select other and if they ask later, just say you identify as a siamese cat

>choose the option(s) that most resonates with you
click them all, say you're a global citizen
one up them on their faggotry

that's a gray area in clown world

> white
> european

Shit europe btfo forever

>is racist/sexist
>complains about sexism and racism


Attached: 1655053656816.png (800x718, 334.73K)

Its only illegal when members of the untouchable caste do it. Party members can do this with impunity.

That would fall under "nigger" on the form.