Why is pr0gramm/German youth so gay?

I just visited pr0gramm and it is really gay. Is there a more NPC page, besides maybe reddit? Have in mind, that this is the most popular imageboard in Germany. Why are Germans so gay ?

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Don't know, looks really gay. Good that the future in Nevada and not in Germany HAHAHA

That the future what? And why Nevada? Tell me, Nigger.

pr0gramm is the german version of 9gag
always has been

I am glad, I can't read the comments. Alone from the tags and the news articles in compination with their points I guess it is like reading an official gouvernment channel. Disgusting.

what's the deal about 9gag? is it still a thing

pr0 is shizo. full of soulless plebs that have the desire to discuss scat/pimple juices on nsfw; and it's fucking disgusting. But you find some awesome niece topics and threads...forever.


I got pissed because you rarely get sauce and comments are mostly brainless bs from manchilds. Some discussions are gold though....

>+wholesome community though
>+secret santa event every year, joined 3 times
>- german :-) cringe & scat

Oh mein Gott.
Ich war schon ewig nicht mehr auf pr0gramm :D

It looks like a NPC fest and I do not want to participate in that!

Ist das Reddit-Light oder Reddit-Extra?

Friends of mine use it and i really don't understand why. Imagine making an account to post comments, peak cringe

>niece topics
Uh, Hans?

it used to be good back in the day when it required you to be authed by Q (irc chat).
now normies can register and spam the site with normie and reddit trash

Chill, its covering nephews, too.

I really don't know, because I swear, I was only a few times on reddit, and I am not a member of gaYgramm, so I can't tell. But when people are cheering on feminist propaganda, I do not fond the medium.

it was good once. now everyone that is active there is a flaming homosexual like you said

I have one account over there, but mostly for NSFW porn. But those niggers made it mandatory to upload your passport so I stopped visiting it. It's basically a German reddit 9gag shithole full of faggots. You can't even day nigger without getting banned. Imagine...

pr0gramm has been straight up censored for a few years now (had something to do with new laws iirc). Before it got censored, I used to lurk sometimes and they constantly had stuff about WW2 German weapons, people visiting military museums all over the world and the like and the comment sections were strongly against foreigners etc.

Before it got censored, they were making fun of the impending censorship by pinning a little picture of that Maas faggot looking around the corner.


I knew a guy in school who wouldn't shut up about it. He is a giga NPC so I never bothered goinf there.

>upload your passport
can't believe that one, you gotta be retarded to voluntary sway from the 'internet is anonymous&free' path

>can't believe that one, you gotta be retarded to voluntary sway from the 'internet is anonymous&free' path
Well, that explains the state it's now in, everyone with an ounce of common sense left.

By German standards pr0gramm is right-wing. There were journalists complaining about all the "hate speech" there and calling to shut it down. If you want to see truly degenerate NPC social media culture, use the Jodel app. A terrible bubble of radical identity politics, even worse than twitter. I literally got banned there for criticizing feminism by merely mentioning the fact that men also struggle with problems in society.

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