Q here

Q here.


Attached: 1629401402346.png (994x989, 595.9K)

should I go to my local garage to get milk or wait for the supermarket to open in just over an hour?

Attached: 1585263241852.png (844x944, 151.46K)

Support the local production of course.

>actually Q
>no one replies

Yo i believe in Him but i still do things in my life that i wish to stop because I'm no longer glorifying the Lord of Spirits. Wat do?

Can you give me a fast forward explanation what Q user is? I will get mixed up, so better to hear it in the short form.
>Can you?

Okay.. assuming this is true. How long are you going to keep jerking the boomers off? Because we aren't falling for the cryptic bullshit anymore. There's platoons of veterans forming to go stomp the shit out of leftoids and I really, really, REALLY have deleted enough humans in a grotesque fashion in my life. I don't relish violence against my countrymen. Even if they are dumber than a sack of wet mice.

I want verifiable receipts not some AI generated binary vomit. Prove the Patriots are in control or shut the fuck up you psyop Blue Falcon.

Attached: 6kt2qc.jpg (577x433, 50.45K)

sneed or chuck?
I have to know.

>Sneed or chuck?

Chuck. Sneed is for squares, bruh.

To [S]need or to [F]eed?
Sneeding is feeding
Feeding is sneeding
But who was Chuck?
Follow the [S]uck


>Q here.
Lies, i am Q AMA


Who is John Jingleheimerschmidt?
Is [H]is name [M]y name?
Bippity Boopah!
Eetsa me!



If the [P]ope poops in the woods does it make a sound?
Sneed sells feed, but [C]huck used to sell something else
Follow the [F]uck



I like the way this schizo thread is going.

The quick brown [S]need jumps over the lazy [C]huck
Sometimes you must sneed to make a feed
Remember your duty


Good question. Politically speaking, garages tend to be family owned depending on the locality. However they are also a huge vehicle for economic migrant ownership where its passed to the next person in line to get citizenship and repeated to infinity. Supermarkets are fairly soulless and all about profit.

The only correct answer is either go to the farmer directly or buy a cow.



Q is Ron Watkins.

Little boys
Where's the tp?
Confirmed (e) 2 weeks?


PP here, AMA.

In Germany the shops are not open on Sundays. A lot of consoomer society type British expats struggle with this.

Blue eyes are brighter than brown.
He is respectful to his elders.
They live in a beautiful house.
You don't have to make a big deal out of it.
Tom owns a very big house on Park Street.
Tinder doesn't work.
This is my younger brother.
I was taking care of the dog.
What a big supermarket!
Who do they believe you are?


>Dear PP.

I see that you have a big pp and not a little pp. Are you compensating?

Seed must be fertilized
Sneeded, you are weak
Chucked, you are [protected]
System of farming
chuck en-route eta 2 sneeds


We need to talk
I’ll do it immediately
I have three cats.
They lived in Germany until 1939.
Please just give me one more!
Don’t open the door!


It stands for Pee Pee actually

JewAnon is a theatrical play where certain members of the ruling luciferian bloodline 'elite' pretend to be the good guys who fight against the satanic pedos. It is a psyop run by the DIA, the military psyop team. Riddles, leading questions are used to make the retarded followers interested. In reality, JewAnon is part of the same cabal he claims to fight against. He did and does kill his own satanic pedo puppet politicians as human sacrifices, to the outside world he pretends to be their enemy.

He is literally the antichrist. He comes from the kennedy bloodline.

Attached: He is part of the same cabal.png (674x947, 1.26M)

Communication [established]
Cat must sneed before the white rabbit breaks the [Dawn]
But who was [C]at?
1939 + 6 = peace
Feeders in control


Can you suck my dick?