What Actually Happened To Hitler???

The "official story" is he killed himself in his bunker, but they did DNA testing that said it wasn't actually him... but then they said that had dental records that matched his..

Give it to me straight boys, what actaully happened to ol Adolf

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I think he got out. Went to Argentina in a U-boat.
>inb4 no proof

Wouldn't the usual suspects have gotten him?? They got Eichmann and a bunch of others, surely they would have done everything to get him.

He killed himself in a bunker. Hitler was based enough to know he had to go down with his ship. Rather than be paraded as a prisoner, rather than spend the rest of his days on the run, with the entire world after him, he chose the one sure way to go out on his own terms. His life was the Reich, he would die with the Reich.

>they did DNA testing that said it wasn't actually him...
source = I read it somewhere on the internet

I think you're probably right, although Stalin swore he was still alive and never believed he was dead.

He works for Amazon


Stalin was a paranoid lunatic, he thought everyone was plotting to kill him constantly

Was going to say this kek

they probably were because he was some pinko foreign faggot

This. Once you’ve learned enough about Hitler you realize that all the stories about him surviving are just additional means to poison the well about National Socialism.

He still lives, thanks to the help of Nazi anti-aging serum.

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Was he wrong, though? He killed or orchestrated the deaths of multiple officials to get where he was and assassination was very common in the Soviet Union. Everyone was out to stab each other in the back for more power.

The FBI was looking for him in Argentina in 1985 with credible witnesses

anyone who says hitler somehow survived/escaped/whatever is a fucking retard

hitler's health was fucked by the end, he could barely even get out of bed. Goebbels had been running the reich pretty much by himself for the last year, hitler was barely even seen because he was so ill. there is no way he survived, he wouldn't have even wanted to. it destroyed him to see his germany destroyed.

Do not idolise any man or woman on earth. Idolatry is sin. Besides this, any human being will always fail you for it is written that all men fall short before the Glory of God. Trust instead in The One Who will never fail, God.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation: granddesignexposed.com/sun/baal.html

Something worth watching if you have the time: youtu.be/eJK1gLHbOxA

Attached: Catholics Beware v4.jpg (1741x3829, 2.62M)

Hitler didnt kill himself

That's what I thought. After all he did just spend that time allied with Japan.
While I've heard that, and maybe it's true. Yet even though Stalin seems like the sort to pursue a political manhunt to the death, you also have to remember the Soviet way was to use other people's resources and to change historical records to make themeselves look moral and powerful.

Then what do you think happened?

>See bolshevik kike revolution
Ofcourse he was wise to (((they're))) game and knew the kikes would subvert to overthrow any legitimate opposition to their NWO

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