Anyone here commit suicide and come back to life here?

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is that what you did op?

yes im reincarnated as a AI

I don't think I did, but I'm pretty sure I've died.
The first time was in highschool. A buddy drove home from a party drunk as a skunk. I woke up in the back seat to him passed out at the wheel on the freeway. Eventually we made it to a fry's in the morning

its impossible. you will create a new reality where you didn't die. enjoy being a vegetable in hell lmao. we're already here, you don't have to make it worse.

Nah this is the furthest I've made it, so I can cowboy all I want.
Yall a bunch of dumb niggers for putting up with any shit after death though, I tell you what

Not suicide, no. But I did die at some point because this must surely be hell. I go along with this simulation pretending I don't know this is hell because I'm no quitter. Deep down I laugh at this clown world hell, knowing my torturers must be losing their shit as I take it all in seeming stride.

People always assume like this is some great mission of ours.
I want to pay for sex and power and die quickly.
That's it, you feel?

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must be nice being a brainless golem, only flesh commanding.

Suicided twice. Died once. I am in hell with rest of you boys.

In a manner of speaking

Welcome home

Attached: hell.jpg (1280x936, 102.12K)

Yes. Dead for 3:18. Revived by chest compressions. Why?

I died and came back as a leotard.


Not suicide but i got some rat virus while working in a rural area, died for a couple minutes, weird shit i could listen to all it was happening or thats what i remember

women being cheeky about their panties is so hot for some reason

not rare at all, newfag

Amouranth is a tranny

The ape hybrids ape us. They make themselves look like us, and they copy being us. I don't think they have a very good sense of smell.

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Dude I'm dead. My energy from sitting here and shitposting from my mom's basement just has made me a permanent entity on earth.

What serial experiments lain does to a motherfucker

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Who told you?

Apparently the brain still hears things for up to an hour after death.

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I died but not suicide
Here I am in hell anyhow.\
Ohm Meka Shiva

makes sense, my brain was in perfect condition i had heart problems. Worst part i remember hearing someone say "what to do now?" fucking south american health services

I tried to OD and woke up.